TcConnector Test CCSC-2023
This application was presented in CCSC-2023 EMEA in the session First Experience with Mendix-Teamcenter.
The goal of the application is to explain the key points when developing simple Teamcenter Home Folder browsing in Mendix using Teamcenter Connector module.
It requires the Teamcenter 14.2 installation with Foundation and Active Workspace features (no special features required).
This application was presented in CCSC-2023 EMEA in the session First Experience with Mendix-Teamcenter.
The user may login to Teamcenter and browse the Home Folder using Data Grid. By clicking on child the page is displayed showing the selected child. Depending on the child type (Folder, Item, Item Revision, Other) the page shows corresponding properties. The Back button returns to the parent object.
The application is developed using Teamcenter Connector module which is the only dependency.
It requires the Teamcenter installation with Foundation and Active Workspace features (no special features required).
Key Points
- Check if the Teamcenter User is logged in
- Get Home Folder (as ModelObject, as custom Folder entity with contents association)
- Get Folder Contents (and cast WorkspaceObjects into correct entities)
- Get ItemRevision(s) for given Item (without extending the Domain Model)
Typical usage scenario
Sample Application.
- Mendix 9.24.1