Teamcenter Connector

Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


This widget allows you to connect to Teamcenter, the  Siemens product lifecycle management system that brings together people and processes, and call SOAs to read and write data.

Teamcenter customers can receive support via Siemens Support Center at


The Teamcenter SOA connector allows app developers to connect to Teamcenter and call SOAs to read and write data. A named user in Mendix App using/reading/consuming data from and authoring data in a Siemens DI SW application (Ex: Teamcenter) will need at a minimum a corresponding named user consumer license or author license of the Siemens DI SW application (Ex: Teamcenter).

See documentation at: Teamcenter Connector Documentation


Version: 2406.0.0
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: Following are the list of improvements in Teamcenter Connector version Tc2406. 1. Added following associations on BomWindow • top_line (BOMWindow 1-1 BOMLine) • revision_rule (BOMWindow 1-1 BOMLine) 2. Added following associations on BomLine: • bl_revision (BOMLine 1-1 ItemRevision) 3. TcConnector.FileDocument now captures Dataset UID and ImanFile UID. • Introduced new java action GetImanFiles which retrieves ImanFile information for a given dataset. • If ImanFile's lastModifiedDate is later than the creation date of corresponding FileDocument/Image then consumer can download the file again. 4. Introduced new java action DownloadImages which downloads the ImanFile as an TcConnector.Image. Application/Consumer decides whether to download a dataset as FileDocument or an Image based on input dataset's _Type property value. 5. Multiplicity of association release_status_list is corrected (many-to-many) 6. PropertyResolver's static variable XSD_FORMAT of type SimpleDateFormat and is not thread safe. Making it local variable so as not to cause issue when gets executed through various threads. 7. Added locale support for SSO login. 8. Added action ExecuteSavedQueryWithObjectRefresh. Every time the saved query is executed using this call, a refreshed object is returned.
Version: 3.6.1
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: This is a compatibility release only. Tc Connector was made compatible with Studio Pro version 10 onwards. No bug fixes are provided as part of this release.
Version: 3.6.0
Framework Version: 9.18.2
Release Notes: 1) Provided L10N support for SavedQuery execution Search criteria entities are used as input for invoking Teamcenter service Query-2008-06-SavedQuery/executeSavedQueries through Mendix service 'Toolbox/Teamcenter/Saved Query Search' Attributes on these input entities should be defined based on Teamcenter L10NKeys for its corresponding search criteria attribute. e.g. If the Teamcenter Saved Query has search criteria entry for 'Item ID' and its corresponding L10NKey is ItemID, then in Mendix, define the Search Criteria Entity with 'ItemID' as attribute name. Note: Criteria attribute L10NKeys does not change for locale and thus works for non-english locales too. e.g. Refer to Teamcenter Query Locale keys from \lang\textserver\en_US\qry_user_entry_names_locale.xml 2) Performance Improvements: a) Avoided instantiation of undesired types. Only the types specified in Business Object mappings are instantiated. Consuming application needs to make sure to have entries in the Business Object mappings if specific type of Model object needs to be consumed. b) BOM Expand APIs takes extra configuration parameter to decide whether to populate service data with Model objects. If consuming application does not refer to Model Objects directly from Service Data, then this new configuration parameter can be set to false during consumption.
Version: 3.5.0
Framework Version: 9.1.1
Release Notes: Bug fixes and performance improvements