Mendix Studio pro

December 07, 2021
Mendix Studio Pro is our low-code IDE for professional developers. It's a powerful visual model-driven development environment to build apps on the Mendix Platform. With Studio Pro you can easily create, change, integrate, test and deploy your applications, all in one place. Moreover, you can manage branch lines and security as well as extend your app with custom code using the built-in editors. Click 'Download Studio Pro' to get the installer for free (Windows OS required*). Learn more about the installation and the Studio Pro capabilities in our documentation. Not a professional developer? Learn How Mendix supports different developer profiles .Before installing, please read the Release Notes to learn about improvements, bug fixes, backwards compatibility, breaking changes and known issues. *If you are using a Mac, check out these instructions first.
Release Notes - **Release date: December 7th, 2021** ### Improvements * We improved the generated metadata of [published OData services]( When all navigation properties are updatable, the capability `NonUpdatableNavigationProperties` is now omitted instead of specifying it as an empty collection. ### Fixes * * We fixed two issues in the generated metadata of published OData services. Due to these changes, previous Studio Pro versions are not able to read metadata produced by this Studio Pro version. The runtime is unaffected. When updating the contract of a [consumed OData service](, upgrading to this version of Studio Pro or above (or the MTS version [9.6.4](9.6#964)) is recommended. These are the two fixes: * `UpdateMethod` is now specified as an Enum value (and not as an Int). * `SupportedFormats` is now a collection of String (and not a simple String). * We fixed an issue with reading the metadata of a consumed OData service where `(navigation)properties` marked as non-updatable in the metadata appeared to be updatable. ### Known Issues * When you update a [consumed OData service]( with a new version from [Mendix Data Hub]( but close the document without saving, the blue arrow icon will no longer be shown to notify you about the available update for that service. * Workaround: Closing your app and opening it again fixes this issue. * In the **Properties** pane, you cannot copy, paste, or delete using keyboard shortcuts. * Workaround: Perform the same operation using your mouse and the context menu.