Mendix Studio pro

April 29, 2021
Mendix Studio Pro is our low-code IDE for professional developers. It's a powerful visual model-driven development environment to build apps on the Mendix Platform. With Studio Pro you can easily create, change, integrate, test and deploy your applications, all in one place. Moreover, you can manage branch lines and security as well as extend your app with custom code using the built-in editors. Click 'Download Studio Pro' to get the installer for free (Windows OS required*). Learn more about the installation and the Studio Pro capabilities in our documentation. Not a professional developer? Learn How Mendix supports different developer profiles .Before installing, please read the Release Notes to learn about improvements, bug fixes, backwards compatibility, breaking changes and known issues. *If you are using a Mac, check out these instructions first.
Release Notes - **Release date: April 29th, 2021** ### New Features * With this release, we have extended our support for external entities by enabling the [file manager]( and [image viewer]( widgets as well as the [Download file ]( activity to accept external media entities as data sources so that you can download their content. ### Improvements * We improved the performance of XML imports in a transactional context. (Ticket 119050) * We added a new option for row insertion in the [layout grid]( When you select **Duplicate**, the same setup of columns as the selected row will apply to the new row. This is based on an [upvoted idea from Rob de Leeuw]( submitted to the [Mendix Idea Forum]( Thanks, Rob! * We improved [published REST services]( so that operations now also match the URLs that have a trailing slash. * We upgraded the `com.sun.mail.mailapi` and `com.sun.mail.smtp` *.jar* files from 1.6.3 to 1.6.6. * We replaced **Project** with **App** in the [MxAssist Performance Bot]( * We changed the color for an inactive row selection in the MxAssist Performance Bot pane. * We added support for IBM DB2 11.5, MariaDB 10.4, and MariaDB 10.5. * We upgraded the JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server to version 9.2.1. If you use the [Database Connector]( module with SQL Server and integrated security, you may need to update the JDBC driver in `userlib` as well. * We improved the parameter handling in user action calls. Now, the `IContext` parameter is added automatically, which allows user actions to be used as event handlers. * [Task queue]( polling logging is now suppressed by default to reduce noise from polling queries in the log file. The polling log statements can be re-enabled by setting `TaskQueue.LogSuppressionThreshold` to `TRACE` (next to configuring the desired log level for the specific log nodes). * Theme compilation-related errors now appear as consistency errors. ### Fixes * We fixed an issue where Studio Pro froze when displaying it on a secondary screen. This was happening because blocking pop-up windows appeared outside the visible area of the screen. This is now resolved by always showing the pop-up windows centered on the Studio Pro window. * We fixed an issue where having spaces around a user-targeting XPath constraint in the [WorkflowUserTask]( resulted in an error. * We fixed an issue with undo/redo operations that caused a crash of the [workflow editor]( * We fixed an issue where MxBuild crashed when building an app containing widgets that could not be correctly loaded. This broke the **Preview** and **Publish** functionality in [Mendix Studio]( for these apps. * We fixed a runtime issue where log messages from components that use Apache commons logging ended up on the console output of the app. These messages are no longer written to the console output of the app. We introduced a new custom setting where you can set `EnableApacheCommonsLogging` to `true` to see these log messages in the Mendix logs. (Tickets 103160, 118254) * When a page shows a date picker but the user had no access to the DateTime attribute, this resulted in an error in the client. This has been fixed. (Ticket 115319) * We fixed a runtime issue in the [Call REST service]( microflow action with form-data content. The Content-Type request header now no longer contains an additional whitespace. (Ticket 118389) * We fixed an issue with the document template when a conditionally visible row was always rendered if the enclosing data view had an empty object. (Ticket 115502) * We fixed an issue where revisions that had already been merged were not shown as unavailable when doing a subsequent advanced merge from the same branch. (Ticket 117916) * We fixed a performance regression in a [loop]( execution. (Ticket 118288) * We fixed an issue where the [Find Usages]( option threw an error. (Tickets 115361, 118092) * We resolved an issue where after unpacking an app package (*.mpk* file) for a Mendix version that was not available on your computer, the dialog box asking what Studio Pro version to start with was not shown. * We fixed an issue with an empty user task parameter of the on-created microflow actions of **WorkflowUserTask**. * XPath constraints are once again visible for **System** module entities. * We resolved a crash that occurred when a navigation profile was deleted while it was still in use by a menu widget on a page. * We resolved incorrect recommendations that occurred when [MxAssist Logic Bot]( recommended committing a [non-persistable entity]( * We removed the extra **OK** button on the post-fix dialog box of MxAssist Performance Bot. * We added hovering menu items under [File]( > **Recent Apps**. * We fixed an issue where the [View]( and [Run]( menu items were updated after navigation profiles were updated. * We fixed an issue where you got an incorrect success message when uploading your app to a version-control server failed. * We fixed an issue where Studio Pro crashed if you tried to create a new branch for a Team Server project but there was no project currently open. * We removed the **Execute this Microflow in a Task Queue** option from microflow calls in nanoflows. * We fixed an issue where the **theme-cache** folder was not included in an exported app package. ### Known Issues * When Studio Pro is displayed on a secondary screen, it is currently not possible to select an entity from the [Data Hub pane]( and drag it to the domain model editor. * Workaround: On the primary screen this issue does not appear, so move Studio Pro to your primary screen to perform this action. * [Published OData services]( created in Studio Pro 9.1.0 reject client queries that use `$inlinecount`, `contains`, or number literals. Published OData services created in earlier versions do not have this problem, even when opened and deployed in Studio Pro 9.1.0. * Workaround: You should either duplicate an existing published OData service and change that, or create a published OData service in an earlier version of Studio Pro, export the module, and import it in 9.1.0. * When you update a [consumed OData service]( with a new version from [Mendix Data Hub]( but close the document without saving, the blue arrow icon will no longer be shown to notify you about the available update for that service. * Workaround: Closing your app and opening it again fixes this issue. * It is not possible to switch Studio Pro to [Full Screen]( mode.