Emixa Commons

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility


This module is used by several other modules of Emixa and contains some handy functions around e-mail, Crop image Resize Image, MergeOverlay, transactions, execution microflows, hashing utils, string utils, enum parser, javascript actions to set classes and manipulate selected listview items, and a nice after-startup conversion helper We have helpers and functions for the following categories: Calculations ClassManipulators Conversion DocumentManipulation Microflow ORM ProcessQueue StringUtilities Transactions, haptic feedback for native, detecting Biometric type and much more


Demo urlhttps://www.emixa.com


This module is used by several other modules of Emixa and contains some handy functions.


Typical usage scenario

  • In combination with other appronto modules
  • For some handy actions as listed above




  • MxModelReflection module(required for Microflow actions)
  • CommunityCommons module



  • Define your constants in your user configuration. Settings->Configurations


Available Items:

  • Calculations
    • HaversineCheck
    • WorkdaysBetween
  • ClassManipulators
    • DeleteClassOnElement
    • HasClassOnElement
    • SetClassOnElement
    • SetPlaceholderOnTextbox
    • ToggleClassOnElement
    • ToggleClassOnParentElement
  • Conversion helpers
  • DocumentManipulation
    • CropImage
    • ImageResize
    • FileFromResourceToFileDocument
    • MakeFileEmpty
    • MergeOverlay
  • Microflow
    • ExecuteMicroflowInOwnTransaction
    • ExecuteMicroflowSynchronized
    • ExecuteMicroflowWithGUIDparam
    • GetCurrentMicroflow
  • Misc
    • CreateAccountIfNotExists
  • Native
    • Biometric
    • HapticFeedback
    • OTP client
  • ORM
    • GetObjectWithId
    • RefreshByEntity
  • ​​​​​​​ProcessQueue
    • GetOrCreateProcess (default excluded)
    • GetOrCreateQueueConfig (default excluded)
  • ​​​​​​​Resources
    • Environment
  • ​​​​​​​StringUtilities
    • CreatePasswordDigest
    • GetStringFromRegex
    • ParseStringToEnum
    • SHA1Encrypt
  • ​​​​​​​Transactions
    • EndSavePointForTransaction
    • GetCurrentSessionID
    • MakeSavePointForTransaction


Version: 9.4.1
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: The Image Resize Java action allows you to resize an Image object by specifying a new width and/or height. You can choose to maintain the image's aspect ratio by providing either the width or height, with automatic adjustment of the other dimension. Additionally, you have full control over the quality of the resized image to balance between file size and visual fidelity.
Version: 9.4.0
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: Update of IText Core Java library from to to fix CVE-2021-43113
Version: 9.3.0
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: Added GetEnumCaptionForLanguage java action to get translated value for enum key. Changed the default Environment constant value to empty instead of DEV to prevent wrong settings on live environments.
Version: 9.2.0
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: Adjusted the GetFileType action to prevent warnings about files not fully being read on S3
Version: 9.1.0
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: Changed module name to EmixaCommons instead of ApprontoCommon. Updated itextpdf library Release steps; Remove (if present) the following files: ApprontoCommon.migration itextpdf- Any other ApprontoCommon.requiredlib or ApprontoCommons.requiredlib Rename the ApprontoCommon module to EmixaCommons After transferring the package, set the EmixaCommons.Environment constant to the correct value.
Version: 9.0.1
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: Removed gradle jar
Version: 8.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: Mendix 10 compatible release Updated dependencies and added migration file Removed CreateICS java action
Version: 7.4.0
Framework Version: 9.6.12
Release Notes: Changed the requiredlib file names(fixed typo's)
Version: 7.3.0
Framework Version: 9.6.12
Release Notes: Added MonitorMicroflowInTaskQueue Goal of this functionality is to monitor a microflow that is running in a taskqueue. It will update the status in the snippet. Added GetIPaddress Gets the current IP address of the user when the app is running in the cloud Added Native JS Actions: GetApplicationURL Gets the Mendix url OpenSettings Opens the System Settings for your app on the mobile device PlaySoundAmbient Plays ambient sound Reload Easy JS action to reload your page from a nanoflow. If you don't use pageurl's or deeplinks it returns to the homepage OTPclient - GetCode Generates a OTP code based on a secret OTPclient - GetTimeRemaining Will give the ticks remaining to the next iteration of generation of the code for a secret HapticFeedback Give the app more native feeling. GetBiometricType Gets the type of biometic method of the phone SetValueForAttribute Sets the value for the given attribute. Useful when you have to fill entities with attribute names like Name1, Name2 etc. Updated Tika libraries
Version: 7.1.0
Framework Version: 9.6.12
Release Notes: Added: JavaScriptAction 'OpenUrl_WithOptions' which allows for selecting the target where the page should be opened. Added: JavaAction 'GetEntityFromGUID' to get the Entity FullName from an object GUID. Added: JavaAction 'StringSearchReplaceWithoutRegex' to replace a string within another string without the need for RegEx. Added: Microflow 'SUB_ValidateBSN_Mod11' to validate a dutch BSN. Added: JavaAction 'CreateICS' to create a ics calendar invite. Added: JavaScriptAction 'CopyToClipboard' which copies a string value to the clipboard. Added: JavaAction 'AssertAttributesAndValues' to compare 2 objects where attributes must be the same. If not, it will throw an exception. Added: JavaAction 'WebSocketListener' to receive realtime messages from a websocket connection triggering a microflow. Added: JavaAction 'GetFileType' to get the MIME type of a FileDocument. Thanks Pim van der Noll, Robbert Wellen and Lizette den Braber for their input!