Mx Model Reflection

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility


This module allows you to access information about the domain model of your app from your app. For example, you can loop through all the attribute names of an entity type in a microflow.


Please see Mx Model Reflection in the Mendix documentation for details.


Version: 8.0.3
Framework Version: 9.24.24
Release Notes: We upgraded Mendix Version to 9.24.24. We replaced remaining old UI components with new ones which support React Client. Now layouts from Atlas are used instead of custom ones. This makes all popup windows modal. We kept the select pages. They are not react compatible. They need to be manually removed if react client is enabled. Configured cascade delete so that MxObjectEnumValue's are deleted when MxObjectEnum is deleted. Minor UI changes. We removed support for previously deprecated Float and Currency types.
Version: 8.0.2
Framework Version: 9.24.11
Release Notes: We upgraded Mendix Version to 9.24.11. We replaced old UI components with new ones which support React Client.
Version: 7.1.1
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: - TokenReplacer now supports System.owner and System.changedBy associations correctly. (Ticket 202682) - TokenReplacer will now handle many-to-many associations by taking the first object. - We fixed an issue where the microflow IVK_RecalculateSize would cause issues when building a native app. (Ticket 204735, 207239)
Version: 7.1.0
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: We now handle non-localized datetimes correctly.
Version: 7.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: We updated the module to Studio Pro 9.18, so it can be used in Studio Pro 10.
Version: 6.2.0
Framework Version: 8.12.0
Release Notes: Upgraded to Studio Pro version 8.12.0
Version: 6.1.2
Framework Version: 7.23.0
Release Notes: Fix IVK_RecalculateSize to correctly set the CalculatedSizeInKiloBytes field (Ticket 95995).
Version: 6.1.1
Framework Version: 7.23.0
Release Notes: Syncing will now correctly clean up enum values and captions in the database (Ticket #63310). Unused enum values or captions that are already in the database will not be deleted. These can be manually deleted using a microflow by retrieving all MxObjectEnumValue and MxObjectEnumCaption and deleting them, then re-syncing.
Version: 6.1.0
Framework Version: 7.23.0
Release Notes: The microflows "FindMember", "FindMicroflow", "FindObjectType" and "FindReference" now return exact matches first (Ticket #90020).
Version: 6.0.0
Framework Version: 7.23.0
Release Notes: Module updated to Mendix 7.23 and can also be used in Mendix 8 projects. Support for deprecated Float and Currency types is dropped.