Avola Decision Connector

Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


Avola Decision Connector is a module for Mendix that allows users to connect and implement decision logic and business rules created in Avola Decision.

With this module it's a breeze to connect your Mendix app to Avola Decision. All API operations are supported in which the authentication, synchronisation and execution is handled.

Note: We recommend to also download the new Avola Decision Explorer for all Mendix Projects from 10.12.0


For more information about Avola Decision, please contact Bizzomate at info@bizzomate.com.




This module connects to the new version of Avola Decision and makes it easy for Mendix developers to integrate the Avola engine in a Mendix project. All supported API operations are supporting in which the authentication, synchronisation and execution is handled. For more information about Avola Decision, please check https://avola-decision.com/en.

Typical usage scenario

For implementing decisions in the Mendix application determined, built and maintained by the business in Avola Decision. Typical scenario's are decisions regarding acceptations, calculations and process flows.

Features and limitations


  • Authentication.Synchronisation of all decisions or a specific decision with all its versions.
  • Execution of specific decision versions.
  • Advanced testing pages, with predefined setup so testing is dummy proof.
  • Advanced logging. Debug for calls which log the reference and conclusion among others. Trace for mapped information on business data level.
  • Microflow helpers for implementing the logic in the Mendix model.
  • Language support for en_US and nl_NL.
  • Encryption applied to client id, client secret and token.
  • Uses native REST implementation of Mendix, so no code is written; easy maintenance.


  • Encryption module


Note: We recommend to also download the Avola Decision Explorer for all Mendix Projects from 10.12.0

  1. Import the module into your project.
  2. Setup your AvolaUrl (constant).
  3. Attach AvolaOAuth_Overview to the navigation.
  4. Attach DecisionService_Overview to the navigation.
  5. Attach ExecutionRequestLog_Overview to the navigation


  1. Add new Avola OAuth configuration. Provide the client id and client secret provided via the Avola Modeler and save.
  2. Make sure no client certificates are send to Avola, by setting the custom runtime setting (https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/custom-settings/#general) 'NoClientCertificateUsages'. The value should be the values of the AvolaLoginURL and AvolaUrl constants, comma seperated and without https://. Example: login.avo.la,bizzomate.api.execution.test.avo.laThis setting is neccesary because, by default, Mendix sends out all configured client certificates along with any request. However, we do not use a client certificate for Avola. So if you have client certificates configured for any other services, these client certificates are send along with the Avola request. Since they are not valid Avola certificates, we would get a 403: Forbidden response from Avola (even if our client id & secret is correct). By setting the 'NoClientCertificateUsages' setting, we make sure no client certificates are send along with the request to Avola.Technically, this setting is only neccesary when you actually have client certificates configured, but it is also recommended to configure when you don't have any client certificates configured. That way, you can be sure the Avola connection keeps working, even if someone would add client certificates to your project in the future.

How to implement decision Service execution?

The folder _UseThis contains an folder API which has helpers microflows.

  1. Create an execution request using 'ExecutionRequest_Create'
  2. Add data for each input data and meta data synchronised for a version using 'ExecutionRequest_AddData'
  3. Call the Avola Decision engine for executing the request using
    1. 'ExecutionRequest_CallWrapper'. This will return the complete execution result object
    2. 'ExecutionRequest_CallWrapper_GetFinalConclusion'. This will return the final conclusion object.

Known bugs



Version: 3.7.0
Framework Version: 10.6.1
Release Notes: - Added functionality to prepare for upcoming features.
Version: 3.6.0
Framework Version: 10.6.1
Release Notes: - Upgraded to Mendix 10.6.1 (MTS) - Upgraded Encryption module (9.0.2) - Upgraded Atlas Core (3.14.0) - Upgraded Atlas Web Content (3.5.1)
Version: 3.5.0
Framework Version: 9.24.16
Release Notes: - Upgraded tot Mendix 9.24 LTS
Version: 3.4.0
Framework Version: 9.12.6
Release Notes: - Updated to last version of encryption module, version 8.0.4. - Fixed logic to delete old logged requests.
Version: 3.3.0
Framework Version: 9.1.1
Release Notes: Updated to MTS Compatible with Atlas 3 Renamed module New cover image and new screenshots
Version: 3.2.0
Framework Version: 9.1.1
Release Notes: - Updated dependent module Encryption. Now version 4.0.2 is used.
Version: 3.1.0
Framework Version: 9.1.1
Release Notes: - Improved the method to get the token endpoint, using the authority server details. - Fixed using a new token endpoint the very first time an access token is requested. - Added support for a seamless migration of an authority during runtime and running executions.
Version: 3.0.0
Framework Version: 9.1.1
Release Notes: - Upgraded to Mendix 9.1.1 - Upgraded support for Atlas UI to 2.7.
Version: 2.2.0
Framework Version: 8.18.1
Release Notes: - Improved the method to get the token endpoint, using the authority server details. - Fixed using a new token endpoint the very first time an access token is requested. - Added support for a seamless migration of an authority during runtime and running executions.
Version: 2.1.0
Framework Version: 8.1.1
Release Notes: All TimeOuts on REST calls can now be configured using the TimeOut_Short and TimeOut_Long constants