Google Gantt Chart
This widget impelements the Google Gantt Chart widget in your Mendix application!
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Typical usage scenario
Visualize project progress with this easy to use Gantt chart
Put this widget inside a context, create a list of rows and enjoy your Gantt chart!
Configuration & Properties
The widget needs an entity as it's context. It also needs a microflow which returns a list of rows that is used to fill the chart. Some attributes of the row entity may be left empty. For more information on configuration options see The Google Gantt documentation. Be sure to implement the following configuration settings as well to prevent errors.
Create a new object in your domain model. It may be non persistant. Make sure it has the exact following attributes:
- taskID (String)
- taskName (String)
- resource (String)
- startDate (DateTime)
- endDate (DateTime)
- duration (Integer)
- percentCompleted (Integer)
- dependencies (String)
On the Data tab select your entity and the microflow that returns a list with these entities. On the other tabs you can specify desired styling settings.
Known issues and bugs
None. Please let us know if you run into any!