Emixa Notification module

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility,User Interface,Communication



A really nice notification anywhere in your screen you want. This is the best replacement for the default pop-up (info/warning/error)messages in Mendix.

Breaking changes!

With this upgrade we replace the widget that was used for the notifications. We use SweetAlert2 now. Inspired by the module that was already in the Marketplace by Jason Imeidopf. We have made it plug and play for nanoflows AND microflows. It will load the necessary javascript and CSS files. Only place the snippet in your layout and your are good to go. Exisiting calls to SF_CreateNotification are replaced by SUB_CreateNotifications. Rename the new microflow to the old name and back will solve this. The enums for status and position must be set again! It uses also HTML/ JavaScript widget from Mendix: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/56

Getting started

The Notification module can be downloaded from the Mendix Marketplace into any model that is built with Mendix 8.18.23 (MTS) + and 9.0+.


  • Download module and give every User role the Module role ApprontoNotification.User so every user can see the notification
  • Download HTML/ JavaScript widget (if not already in your project)
  • Place the notification snippet on your Layouts
  • Use the microflows and nanoflows (see examples!) from the USE ME folder



A really nice notification anywhere in your screen you want. This is the best replacement for the default pop-up (info/warning/error)messages in Mendix.

Breaking changes!

With this upgrade we replace the widget that was used for the notifications. We use SweetAlert2 now. Inspired by the module that was already in the Marketplace by Jason Imeidopf. We have made it plug and play for nanoflows AND microflows. It will load the necessary javascript and CSS files. Only place the snippet in your layout and your are good to go. Exisiting calls to SF_CreateNotification are replaced by SUB_CreateNotifications. Rename the new microflow to the old name and back will solve this. The enums for status and position must be set again! It uses also HTML snippet from Mendix: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/56

Getting started

The Notification module can be downloaded from the Mendix Marketplace into any model that is built with Mendix 8.18.23 (MTS) + and 9.0+.


  • Download module and give every User role the Module role ApprontoNotification.User so every user can see the notification
  • Download HTML/ JavaScript widget (if not already in your project)
  • Place the notification snippet on your Layouts
  • Use the microflows and nanoflows (see examples!) from the USE ME folder


Version: 6.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: Upgrade sweetalert + Mx10 compatible
Version: 5.4.0
Framework Version: 8.18.23
Release Notes: Upgrade Sweetalert
Version: 5.3.0
Framework Version: 8.18.23
Release Notes: New version with fixes for animation classes and show timer and close button and custom icon html added
Version: 5.1.0
Framework Version: 8.18.18
Release Notes: With this upgrade we replace the widget that was used for the notifications. We use SweetAlert2 now. Inspired by the module that was already in the Marketplace by Jason Imeidopf. We have made it plug and play for nanoflows AND microflows. It will load the necessary javascript and CSS files. Only place the snippet in your layout and you are good to go. Exisiting calls to SF_CreateNotification are replaced by SUB_CreateNotifications. Rename the new microflow to the old name and back will solve this. The enums for status and position must be set again! It uses HTMLsnippet widget from the marketplace.
Version: 4.0.0
Framework Version: 8.4.4
Release Notes: Upgrade to 8.4.4
Version: 3.2.0
Framework Version: 7.2.0
Release Notes: thnx @Mcpoowl for the fix
Version: 3.1.1
Framework Version: 7.0.2
Release Notes: - Fixed a situation where a error 'Trying to unsubscribe using an invalid subscription handle' was thrown in the console - Added styling for more beautiful messages - Added autosave styling and microflow
Version: 3.1.0
Framework Version: 7.0.2
Release Notes: - Fixed a situation where a error 'Trying to unsubscribe using an invalid subscription handle' was thrown in the console - Added styling for more beautiful messages - Added autosave styling and microflow
Version: 3.0
Framework Version: 7.0.2
Release Notes: Non Persistent Notification entity works different in Mx7 as you know so we changed the module a little to keep it working in Mx7 as well.