LDAP Synchronization module

Content Type: Module
Categories: Authentication


This module integrates directly with your AD server through LDAP. It allows for user/password validation by the LDAP server and replace any other authentication. Additionally it allows for synchronization of users, groups, or anything else you have in your AD and bring that automatically into your application. 



This module can be used to synchronize users (or other objects) using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

Typical Usage Scenarios

* Authenticate and synchronize your app's end-users
* Retrieve other objects from the Active Directory (AD)


* Imports users from the LDAP server
* Only authenticate users against the LDAP server
* Creates a user the first time they sign in after authenticating against the LDAP server
* The LDAP server is leading, so no changes are submitted to the LDAP server
* If users are removed from the LDAP server, their accounts are deactivated in your application
* If LDAP authentication is enabled, users cannot sign in with local accounts (except for users with certain specified roles)


This module is dependent on the following additional modules – make sure they are also present in your app project and configured properly:

* Community Commons Functions Library
* Encryption


1. Select the Ldap.ASu_StartLdap microflow as your After startup microflow.
2. Add the Ldap.OpenLdapServersOverview microflow to your app project's navigation.
3. Add the Ldap.LdapAdmin module role to your Administrator user role.
4. Optionally, edit the Ldap.LdapSync scheduled event to suit your needs. This event can, for example, sync the user base on a nightly basis.
5. Your application is now ready to deploy. Follow the [configuration](#configuration) instructions to configure LDAP further.

Newer versions of the module can introduce configuration changes. If you have already configured LDAP authentication, you need to review all the options upon updating in order to confirm that everything still behaves as expected.


Basic Configuration

After enabling LDAP in your app project, run the app, sign in as MxAdministrator, and open your LDAP servers overview. To configure an LDAP connection, click New to add a new server configuration. To completely configure a LDAP server, fill in the fields on the tabs in the configuration screen.

Follow these steps to configure an LDAP connection (note that not all steps will be applicable in every configuration):

1. Fill out the server configuration.
2. Do one of the following:
    * Fill in the fields on the User import mapping tab, then click Refresh and create an attribute mapping
    * Fill in the fields on the Authentication configuration tab
    * Fill in the fields on the User authentication mapping tab
3. Go to the LDAP group mapping tab, click Refresh, and specify the group mappings.
4. Save the configuration.
5. Execute a full synchronization.

When your configuration is complete, click Sync users for all servers to run the LDAP synchronization using all configurations that are enabled. A scheduled event is available to perform this automatically.
Server Configuration

Clicking New or Edit in the LDAP servers overview form brings up the LDAP configuration form.

From top, to bottom, the following properties have to be filled in:

* Description – This is a descriptive name for the LDAP connection.
* Server address – This is the address at which the Active Directory domain controller server is located. Either an IP address or host name may be used. The address must begin with `ldap://`.
* LDAP root directory – This is the root of the LDAP directory that will be read. This usually takes on the form of `DC=,DC=`, where `` is the LDAP/Active Directory domain name, and `` is something like `local` or `org`. At Mendix, it is `DC=MENDIXDOMAIN,DC=local`.
* Is AD server – Turn this on if you are authenticating against a Microsoft Active Directory (which is an implementation of LDAP). This enables some AD-specific internal functionality.
* Is paged search allowed – Paged search is useful when retrieving large data sets from LDAP, but some LDAP servers have paged search disabled. Leave this enabled until you run into problems related to paging.
* Username – This is the user name that used to read the LDAP server information. You should use a service account on the LDAP server for this.
* Password – This is the password for the user name specified in the previous field.
* LDAP enabled – This turns on LDAP authentication for this configuration, which means the configuration will be taken into account when synchronizing and authenticating users. After turning on LDAP user authentication for at least one configuration, users cannot sign in to the system with the credentials stored in the application unless they have the MxAdministrator user role.

After you have filled the above properties in, click Test connection to test the connectivity to the LDAP server. This will also tell you if the user name and password you entered are accepted by the server.

These are the rest of the properties to fill in:

* Paths where to find users – In this grid, you can select the directory from where the users will be imported. Clicking Browse LDAP brings up a form that displays the LDAP root directory. You can browse for the directory where the users are located (you may have to click through a number of directories until you find it). If you find a directory that lists the users you want to import as a sub-directory, click Use this directory as import location. It is possible to specify multiple import locations. If browsing the LDAP does not work, click Manual add to specify a DN from which to import users.
* LDAP type – Set the type of synchronization that should be done. Depending on this type, other relevant configuration options will appear or disappear. These are the type options:
    * Import users – Import and synchronize all the users based on the configuration. This will make user info available in Mendix.
    * Only authenticate users – This will only authenticate existing Mendix users against the LDAP server, but it will not synchronize any information. If a user is not known in Mendix, they cannot sign in.
    * Authenticate and create – This will not synchronize users. However, if a user that is unknown in Mendix logs in using a valid LDAP authentication, a Mendix user will be created, and the user info will be requested from LDAP at that moment.
* Map users to – This field specifies which objects should be instantiated when creating new users. All the descendants of System.User are listed in the drop-down menu.
* Domain suffix – This should be the same as the LDAP root directory fields, only concatenated. It is used to authenticate users and will be concatenated with the Mendix user name to form the LDAP user name. At Mendix, this results in `@mendixdomain.local`.
* User roles WITHOUT LDAP authentication – This property identifies which user roles are not authenticated against LDAP. Users that have at least one of these roles will not be authenticated against LDAP, but will instead use their Mendix app password to sign in. Users with the Administrator user role (which can be found under Project > Security > Administrator > User role) will never be authenticated against LDAP, regardless of the defined exceptions.

User Import Mapping

The User import mapping tab contains some advanced configuration functionality to create a more specialized mapping. This tab is only used when the LDAP type is set to Import users.

The following settings are available:

* Search filter – This is the LDAP search filter used to locate users. You will not usually need to change this.
* Login name field – This is the LDAP attribute that will be used as a user login name. This should be an attribute that has a unique value for every user. For AD, this will often be `sAMAccountName`.
* Available attributes – These are the LDAP attributes that are available to map to user attributes. Click Refresh to load this list from the LDAP server.
* Custom attribute mapping – You can define the mappings for other attributes of the User entity that need to be imported from the LDAP server. For each mapping, you can specify an LDAP attribute, and a User attribute in which the value will be stored. Note that only attributes of the string type can be used as a User attribute.

Authentication Configuration

On the Authentication configuration tab, you will find the settings that are used when users must be authenticated in the LDAP server. This tab is only used when the LDAP type is set to [Only authenticate users](#ldap-type).

The following settings are available:

* Credentials validation frequency – This determines when and how often the user information should be validated against the LDAP server.
* Credentials search filter – This the filter that will be used to search for an entered username in the LDAP server. You must always include the `[%Username%]` token in this string, which will be replaced with the user name that was used for the login attempt. For an AD environment, this will usually be `(&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName="[%Username%]"))`.
* How to handle multiple matches – This specifies what must be done when multiple objects are found for the credentials search: either validate them all (and all must match) or throw an error.
* Login name field – This LDAP attribute will be used as the user login name. This should be an attribute that has a unique value for every user. For AD, this will often be `sAMAccountName`.
* Available attributes – These are the LDAP attributes available to map to user attributes. These are included here as a reference for the Login name field setting. Click Refresh to load this list from the LDAP server.
* Ignore for user types – This property identifies which user types are not authenticated against LDAP. Users that are of a sub-type listed here will not be authenticated against LDAP, but will instead use their Mendix app password to sign in.
* Ignore for user roles – This property identifies which user roles are not authenticated against LDAP. Users that have at least one of these roles will not be authenticated against LDAP, but will instead use their Mendix app password to sign in.

Users with the Administrator user role (which can be found under Project > Security > Administrator > User role) will never be authenticated against LDAP, regardless of the defined exceptions.

User Authentication Mapping

On the User authentication mapping tab, you will find the settings that are used when users must be authenticated and subsequently created from the LDAP server. This tab is only used when the LDAP type is set to Authenticate and create.

The following settings are available:

* Search filter – This the filter that will be used to search for an entered user name in the LDAP server. You must always include the `[%Username%]` token in this string, which will be replaced with the user name that was used for the login attempt. For an AD environment, this will usually be `(&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName="[%Username%]"))`.
* How to handle multiple matches – This specifies what must be done when multiple objects are found for the credentials search: either validate them all (and all must match) or throw an error.
* Login name field – This LDAP attribute will be used as the user login name. This should be an attribute that has a unique value for every user. For AD, this will often be `sAMAccountName`.
* Available attributes – These are the LDAP attributes available to map to user attributes. These are included here as a reference for the Login name field setting. Click * Refresh to load this list from the LDAP server
* Credentials validation frequency – This determines when and how often the user information should be validated against the LDAP server.
* Custom attribute mapping – You can define the mappings for other attributes of the User entity that need to be imported from the LDAP server. For each mapping, you can specify an LDAP attribute, and a User attribute in which the value will be stored. Note that only attributes of the string type can be used as a User attribute.

LDAP Group Mapping

The Group mapping tab allows you to map LDAP group memberships to Mendix user roles. Click Refresh to load all available LDAP groups from the server. In the editor for a group, you can select one or more roles that will be assigned to each user that is a member of that group. When a user is removed from an LDAP group, the corresponding roles will be removed from the user on the next synchronization.

Cached Authentication

For some configuration settings (depending on the validation frequency), user authentication information will be cached. The Cached authentication tab contains an overview of cached information for the current LDAP server.

Testing & Gathering Data from AD

This tab enables importing and inspecting data from the LDAP server for testing purposes. This allows you to see how Mendix will receive data and can help you in properly configuring the server configuration.

Common Errors

My Users Are Not Authenticated Against LDAP

To resolve this error, follow these steps:

1. Check your app project's after-startup action (Project > Settings > Server > After Startup). It should point (indirectly) to Ldap.ASu_StartLdap.
2. Make sure at least one server configuration exists and the LDAP enabled box is checked.
3. Make sure the user has no Administrator role or any other role that is defined as an exception in one of your server configurations.

The User Entity Drop-Down Menu in the Server Configuration Form Is Empty

You were probably navigating to Ldap.LdapServers_Overview directly instead of using the Ldap.OpenLdapServersOverview microflow in your navigation. This microflow makes sure the domain model is analyzed before opening the appropriate forms.

Spring LDAP Exceptions

For such exceptions, you probably specified an incorrect LDAP root directory:

com.mendix.core.CoreException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: com.mendix.core.CoreException: org.springframework.ldap.PartialResultException: [LDAP: error code 10 - 0000202B: RefErr: DSID-031006E0, data 0, 1 access points
    ref 1: 'com.mendix.exchange'


Version: 8.0.0
Framework Version: 7.23.4
Release Notes: - Upgraded the LDAP module to be Mx8 compatible. - Updated all Java libraries used by the module to the latest version. In case of Java compilation or Runtime errors you can try deleting the following libraries from your userlib folder (will require a new deployment to take effect): * spring-beans-4.3.9.RELEASE.jar * spring-core-4.3.9.RELEASE.jar * spring-ldap-core-2.3.1.RELEASE.jar * spring-tx-4.3.9.RELEASE.jar * org.slf4j.slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar * commons-lang-2.5.jar
Version: 7.2.1
Framework Version: 7.16.0
Release Notes: Upgrade to more recent modeler version (7.16) Cleanup included java libraries
Version: 7.1.0
Framework Version: 7.1.1
Release Notes: Allowed multithreaded execution of login logic.
Version: 7.0
Framework Version: 7.1.1
Release Notes: - Upgraded to Mx7 (for compatibility). - Upgraded libraries, please remove the old ones from your userlib folder after importing this update as they are no longer needed: - spring-beans-4.0.4.RELEASE.jar - spring-core-4.0.4.RELEASE.jar - spring-ldap-core-2.0.1.RELEASE.jar - spring-tx-4.0.4.RELEASE.jar