Anonymous User Enhanced

Content Type: Module
Categories: Authentication


This module provides a method to login via a magic link. For this it uses the Administration and email connector modules. But if you want you may adjust this to your own liking.


A user provides their username or email and receives an email with a link to actually login. Removing the need for a password.


The URL is only active for a set duration (by default 15 minutes), and the UUID + Key with validating data in it are both encrypted.


As cherry on top the module comes with functionality to deactivate users once the logoff and activate them while they login, in case you want to limit the active users.


Typical usage scenario

Allow your users to login without needing to remember their application password, as they will get a link in their inbox to complete login.


Features and limitations

Is tied to the Administration and Email connector modules

Also allows for limiting the maximum amount of active users if you have a limited user license such as for basic license apps.



  • Administration module
  • Email Connector module (which requires the Mx Model Reflection and Encryption modules)
  • Community Commons
  • Encryption Module
  • Mx 10 version requires Java 21



  1. Import this module
  2. Import dependencies
  3. Synchronize the modules in the Mx Model Reflection management page
    1. AnonymousUserEnhanced,
    2. Administration,
    3. System
  4. Configure an email account
  5. Configure a template that uses the EmailHelper, it should at the very least contain the URL as a link and a code for the code confirmation
  6. Set the configured email account and template in the settings page (which you may add in the form of the SNP_AnonymousUserEnhanced_Management snippet)
  7. Configure the signin page to use the SNP_LoginForm, and also make sure that the page is accessible to anonymous users
  8. Map the module roles to their respective users
  9. Implement the signout flow by copying the ACT_Account_Deactivate and ACT_Signout to your module
  10. Enable the two scheduled events shipped with the module ScE_Account_DeactivateInactive & ScE_AnonSession_CleanupExpired
  11. Enjoy your magic link login!


Version: 2.0.1
Framework Version: 10.12.10
Release Notes: - Fixed setting anonymous session - Fixed reload to homepage due to having a misalignment on where to redirect to
Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: 10.12.10
Release Notes: - Updated to be compatible with Mx 10.12.10+ - Updated to be compatible with Java version 21 - Adjusted flow to no longer need DSS instead, using native deep link URL to MF Thank you, Kathy, for giving me the feedback about Mx10 issues
Version: 1.1.1
Framework Version: 9.24.29
Release Notes: - Fixed setting anonymous session - Fixed reload to homepage due to having a misalignment on where to redirect to
Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 9.24.29
Release Notes: Added code confirmation to prevent mail scanners from expiring the anonymous session helper object.
Version: 1.0.2
Framework Version: 9.24.29
Release Notes: Fixed failure to authenticate page access
Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 9.24.29
Release Notes: Fixed small bug that caused sessions to be killed to quickly
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.29
Release Notes: Initial release