Bootstrap Multi Select widget

Content Type: Widget
Categories: Data


Use a dropdown of checkboxes for your reference set.


Bootstrap Multi Select for Mendix - Version 2

This widget is a wrapper for the Bootstrap MultiSelect plugin allowing you to use a dropdown of checkboxes for your reference set.


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Typical usage scenario

Where you have a relatively small number of available options for a reference set selector, use this to quickly select the required options from within a dropdown.


Data Source

  • Retrieve type: 'XPath' or 'Microflow'; controls whether the data is retrieved via an XPath query or a Microflow.
  • Multi Select Source: The reference set association, starting from the dataview object.
  • Display Template: The template (treated as Plain Text) to use for in the dropdown.
  • Template Attributes: The mapping of attributes to variable names for replacement in 'Display Template'

Data Source - XPath

  • Data constraint: An XPath constraint, filtering the available objects that are displayed in the dropdown.
  • Sort order: The attributes that the results should be sorted by.

Data Source - Microflow

  • Multi Select Source: The reference set association, starting from the dataview object.


  • Show Label: Whether a label should be displayed for the dropdown.
  • Label Caption: The text to be displayed in the label (only used if Show Label is set to Yes)
  • Form Orientation: Horizontal or Vertical (should match the DataView's Form Orientation value)
  • Label Width: A value between 1 and 11 that determines the width of the label. Will be reset to 1 or 11 if a value is selected that is outside these bounds. (only used if Show Label is set to Yes and Form Orientation is set to Horizontal).
  • Add Select All: Whether the dropdown should be rendered with a 'Select All' option at the top, allowing you to select/deselect all displayed options.
  • Add Filter: Whether the dropdown should be rendered with a search bar at the top, allowing you to filter the results.
  • Case Sensitive Filter: If filter is enabled, whether the search is case sensitive or not.
  • Items to display: The max number of items that will be displayed as a comma delimited string in the dropdown field before being replaced with the text 'n selected' (where n is the number of selected items).
  • Disabled: Whether to render the control in a disabled state or not.
  • Disabled via attribute: An optional parameter. If populated will use the selected boolean attribute to render the control in a disabled state or not (true = disabled). This property overrides the 'Disabled' parameter.
  • Visible: Whether to render the control visible or not.
  • Visible via attribute: An optional parameter. If populated will use the selected boolean attribute to render the control visible or not (true = visible). This property overrides the 'Visible' parameter.


  • On change: The microflow that will be run when an item is checked or unchecked.
  • Show Progress Bar: Whether to show a progress bar when executing the on change microflow.
  • Progress Message: The message to show in the progress bar.

Known Issues

See here for all outstanding issues or to raise a new issue, enhancement etc.

v2.0.0 Breaking changes:

  • ‘Display attribute’ has been replaced with 'Display Template' and 'Template Attributes'.


Version: 4.0.0
Framework Version: 7.14.1
Release Notes: ### Fixes - Handle deprecated method isCurrency (v8 support) - add class 'no-columns' when using vertical form orientation (v8 support) - retain the search filter after an item is selected - disable the dropdown when the data view is read only ### Other Stuff - added a v8 test project in addition to the v7 test project