PDF Suite

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility


PDF Suite - Mendix Module

The Mendix PDF Suite Module offers powerful Java actions for manipulating PDF documents within your Mendix applications. It includes four essential Java actions, each with unique capabilities to enhance and customize PDF files.

Java Actions

  • HighlightPDF

    • Description: Searches for specific text within a PDF and highlights it. Optionally, you can add a tooltip for additional context.
    • Parameters:
      • searchText: Text to search and highlight within the PDF.
      • inputDOC: PDF document to search within.
      • includeTooltip: Boolean to decide if a tooltip should be included.
      • tooltipText: Tooltip text to display on hover over the highlighted text.
    • Use Case: Ideal for emphasizing key sections of a PDF and providing extra information via tooltips.
  • LinkAnnotationPDF

    • Description: Searches for specific text within a PDF and creates a clickable link annotation. Clicking the linked text opens the provided URL.
    • Parameters:
      • searchText: Text to search and link within the PDF.
      • inputDOC: PDF document to search within.
      • linkURL: URL to open when the linked text is clicked.
    • Use Case: Useful for adding references or external resources directly in a PDF, enhancing document interactivity.
  • TextToPDF

    • Description: Converts a given text into a PDF document, sets a title, and saves the content into the specified PDF document.
    • Parameters:
      • inputText: Text to convert into a PDF document.
      • pdfTitle: Title to set for the generated PDF.
      • inputDOC: FileDocument object where the generated PDF will be stored.
    • Use Case: Ideal for dynamically generating PDF documents from text input, such as reports or letters.
  • GetPDF_Content

    • Description: Retrieves the content of a PDF document as a string.
    • Parameters:
      • inputDOC: PDF File to extract the content from.
    • Use Case: Useful for extracting and processing the text from a PDF document.




Note:-This modules requires installation of community commons module as PDFbox library which is required for these java action are there in community commons .



Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 9.24.12
Release Notes: Added Get PDF Content java action to extract PDF data in strings.
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.12
Release Notes: PDF Suite The Mendix PDF Suite Module provides powerful Java actions for manipulating PDF documents within your Mendix applications. This module includes three essential Java actions: HighlightPDF, LinkAnnotationPDF, and TextToPDF. Each action offers unique capabilities for enhancing and customizing PDF files according to your needs. Java Actions HighlightPDF Description: This action allows you to search for a specific text within a PDF document and highlight it. Additionally, you can add a tooltip to the highlighted text for further information or context. Parameters: searchText: The text to search and highlight within the PDF. inputDOC: The PDF document in which the text will be searched. includeTooltip: boolean to include tooltip tooltipText: The text to display as a tooltip when hovering over the highlighted text. Use Case: Ideal for emphasizing important sections of a PDF and providing additional information via tooltips. LinkAnnotationPDF Description: This action enables you to search for a specific text within a PDF document and create a clickable link annotation. When the text is clicked, it will open the specified link. Parameters: searchText: The text to search and link within the PDF. inputDOC: The PDF document in which the text will be searched. linkURL: The URL to open when the linked text is clicked. Use Case: Useful for adding references or external resources directly within a PDF document, enhancing the interactivity and connectivity of your documents. TextToPDF Description: This action converts a given text into a PDF document, setting the provided title and saving the content into the specified PDF document. Parameters: inputText: The text to convert into a PDF document. pdfTitle: The title to set for the PDF document. inputDOC: The FileDocument object where the generated PDF will be stored. Use Case: Perfect for generating PDF documents dynamically from text input, suitable for creating reports, letters, or any text-based PDF document with a specified title. How to Use Highlighting Text in PDF with Tooltip Call the HighlightPDF Java action. Provide the text to search for, the PDF document, and the tooltip text. The action will highlight the searched text and add the tooltip in the PDF. Creating Link Annotations in PDF Call the LinkAnnotationPDF Java action. Provide the text to search for, the PDF document, and the URL to link. The action will create a clickable link annotation for the searched text in the PDF. Converting Text to PDF Call the TextToPDF Java action. Provide the text to convert, the title for the PDF, and the FileDocument object for storing the generated PDF. The action will create a PDF document with the provided text and title. This module greatly enhances your ability to work with PDF documents within Mendix, providing easy-to-use actions for highlighting text, adding link annotations, and converting text to PDF.