Local File Operations

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility,Import/Export,Data


A wrapper around common file system actions (most come from Apache Commons IO).

This module allows a developer to perform actions on the local file system and to read/write a file using FileDocument or as a String. It is typically applied in on-premise situations where files are exchanged and placed on the hard drive of a server. Also comes with an explorer to navigate the local file system.



Local File Operation Actions 1.0

A wrapper around common file system actions (most come from Apache Commons IO).


This module allows a developer to perform actions on the local file system and to read/write a file using FileDocument or as a String. It is typically applied in on-premise situations where files are exchanged and placed on the hard drive of a server. Also comes with an explorer to navigate the local file system.


Download the module. Use the actions or explorer.


  • CleanDirectory - Cleans a directory without deleting it.
  • CopyDirectory - Copies a whole directory to a new location, preserving the file dates.
  • CopyFile - Copies a file to a new location preserving the file date.
  • CreateParentDirectories - Creates all parent directories for a File object, including any necessary but non-existent parent directories.
  • Delete - Deletes a file or a directory recursively.
  • Exists - Checks if a file exists.
  • FileDocumentToFile - Writes the contents of a FileDocument to a location on the local server.
  • FileToFileDocument - Reads the contents of a file and stores it in a FileDocument.
  • GetCurrentDirectory - Gets the current working directory (usually where the Mendix application is deployed).
  • GetParent - Returns the parent directory of the argument file.
  • GetSeparator- Returns the separator of the filesystem (usually / or \).
  • GetTempDirectoryPath - Returns the path for storage of temporary files.
  • List - Returns a list of File entities which are contained in the supplied path.
  • MkDir - Creates a directory.
  • MoveDirectory - Moves a directory.
  • MoveFile - Moves a file.
  • ReadFileToString - Reads the contents of a file and returns this as a String.
  • Touch - Implements behavior similar to the UNIX "touch" utility.
  • WriteStringToFile - Writes a String to a file.


  • If used in a clustered setup (multi-instance) using the explorer can lead to unpredictable behavior (as client requests are - usually - distributed round robin).
  • Reading a file as a String reads it fully in the memory of the application. Use with care (if sure that files are small enough)!


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: Initial release.