Validation Feedback

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface,Tracing


In some cases you want to show validation messages on an attribute or association, but you cannot use the default validation message, for example for some custom widgets, when you want to show the validation not directly underneath the field or you just want to show a warning. You can of course build a workaround for this and add helper attributes to show the validation. This is not needed by using this widget. Just select the attribute or association you want to track and show the widget anywhere on the page.


Validation Feedback

In some cases you want to show validation messages on an attribute or association, but you cannot use the default validation message, for example for some custom widgets, when you want to show the validation not directly underneath the field or you just want to show a warning. You can of course build a workaround for this and add helper attributes to show the validation. This is not needed by using this widget. Just select the attribute or association you want to track and show the widget anywhere on the page.


  • Show validation message that is triggered for an attribute
  • Show validation message that is triggered for an association
  • Different styling for the validation feedback, "success", "primary", "danger", "default", "info" or "warning"


  • Add widget anywhere on the page where needed
  • Select attribute or association to track
  • Use the validation message as you are used to

Known Limitations

When an association is used, the selectable objects are mandatory. However, you can just return an empty list.


Version: 1.2.0
Framework Version: 10.6.0
Release Notes: Added a property where the user can set the horizontal indentation (similar to the dataView widget). This indentation adds spacing left of the validation message. Made small improvement in the styling of the validation message.
Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 10.6.0
Release Notes: Updated to mendix 10
Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: Fixed a typo.
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: First version