Email Connector - Email Template Import/Export

Content Type: Module
Categories: Import/Export


The Email Template Export/Import Module is a versatile tool designed to simplify the management of email templates within a system. This module facilitates the seamless transfer of email templates between instances, allowing users to efficiently export and import templates either individually or in bulk.



Typical usage scenario

User can import and export specified email templates with attachments and tokens using this module. In this manner, you can avoid repeatedly configuring such templates by yourself. 

User can export all the templates by clicking on the 'Export all templates' button and import them in one go by selecting the 'import templates' button. User can Import/Export individual file as well.

Validation: A pop-up window will appear asking the user if they want duplicate email templates. for the user to make the appropriate selection.

Features and limitations

Email Connector - Email Template Import/Export

Dependencies [optional]

- EmailConnector with its dependencies

- MxModelReflection module

- Encryption module

Installation [optional]


Configuration [optional]

No configuration needed

Known bugs [optional]


Frequently Asked Questions [optional]



Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.6.1
Release Notes: Initial release.