Virusscan by Scanii

Content Type: Module
Categories: Tracing,Connectors,Data


A module to quickly scan files for malicious or unsafe content by Scanii.


Virusscanner by Scanii

A module to quickly scan files for malicious or unsafe content by Scanii.


  • Check files synchronously
  • Check files asynchronously


  1. Create an account at;
  2. Copy the 'API Key' from your Scanii account;
  3. Change the constant 'APIKey' to your APIKey value;
  4. Copy the 'Secret Key' from your Scanii account;
  5. Change the constant 'APISecret' to your APISecret value;
  6. Change the constant 'EnvironmentURL' to your environment URL;
  7. Choose the correct Scanii region to use for scanning and copy the URL to clipboard. You can find the locations in the documentation of the 'ScaniiBaseURL' constant;
  8. Paste the region URL in the constant 'ScaniiBaseUrl';
  9. Implement the the synchronous or asynchronous sub in your logic and you'are ready to go!

Important note

For daily use you need to have a subscription:

Issues, suggestions and feature requests


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.16
Release Notes: Initial release