BilgeAdam Commons

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility


This module provides various java and javascript actions that are usable for every project.



Purpose : Converts a List to json string as output.


Purpose : Converts List to plain string by using row and field seperators.


Purpose : Removes duplicate objects from list.


Purpose: Converts an Enumeration data type into a list type within a Mendix application.

Typical Usage Scenario: When you need to display Enumeration values in a dropdown or a list view, use this action to convert the Enumeration into a list that can be easily iterated over in the UI.


Purpose: Retrieves the last element of a given list.

Typical Usage Scenario: Use this action when you need to display or process the last item of a list, such as showing the most recent order in a list of orders.


Purpose: Retrieves a random element from a list.

Typical Usage Scenario: Ideal for scenarios where you need to display a random item from a list, such as a "Featured Product" on a shopping site.


Purpose: Randomizes the order of elements in a list.

Typical Usage Scenario: Useful in quiz applications or scenarios where you want to present items in a random order to the user.


Purpose: Removes an item from a list based on its index.

Typical Usage Scenario: Use this action when you need to remove an item from a list dynamically, such as deleting a selected item from a shopping cart.


Purpose: Removes multiple items from a list based on their indexes.

Typical Usage Scenario: Ideal for batch deleting items, like emails or notifications, from a list based on user selection.


Purpose: Retrieves objects that match certain properties using a dynamically created XPath query.

Typical Usage Scenario: Use this action when you need to filter data dynamically based on user input, such as filtering products by attributes like color or size.


Purpose: Reverses the order of items in a list.

Typical Usage Scenario: Useful in scenarios where you need to display items in reverse chronological order, such as showing the latest comments first.


Purpose: Swaps two items in a list based on their indexes.

Typical Usage Scenario: Can be used in user interfaces that allow manual sorting or reordering of items, such as prioritizing tasks in a to-do list.

JavaScript Actions Documentation


Purpose: Calculates the cumulative sum of elements in a list based on a provided attribute.

Typical Usage Scenario: Useful in financial applications for calculating running totals, such as a balance over a series of transactions.


Purpose: Retrieves the last item of the list.

Typical Usage Scenario: Similar to its Java counterpart, use this for client-side operations where the last item of a list needs to be used or displayed.


Purpose: Generates a list of randomly selected elements from the original list.

Typical Usage Scenario: Ideal for creating a "shuffle" feature in applications, like a music app's shuffle playlist function.


Purpose: Randomizes the list.

Typical Usage Scenario: Similar to JA_RandomizeList but used for client-side list manipulations where the order needs to be randomized without affecting the database.


Purpose: Deletes an item from a Mendix list based on its index without committing to the database.

Typical Usage Scenario: Use this for client-side deletions where the removal should not be immediately permanent, such as editing a list of items before final submission.


Purpose: Deletes multiple entries from a list based on entered indices.

Typical Usage Scenario: Similar to JS_RemoveByIndex but for multiple items, useful in user interfaces that allow selecting multiple items for deletion.


Purpose: Reverses the selected list.

Typical Usage Scenario: Client-side manipulation of lists where the order needs to be reversed, such as displaying messages in reverse order.


Purpose: Swaps two items in a list based on their indexes.

Typical Usage Scenario: Similar to JA_SwapElements but for client-side manipulations, like adjusting the order of elements before saving them to the database.

Features and limitations

  • Versatile List Manipulation: The module offers a wide range of actions for manipulating lists, including sorting, reversing, randomizing, and retrieving specific elements. This allows developers to efficiently handle data collections in their applications.
  • Dynamic Data Retrieval: With actions designed to retrieve objects based on dynamic XPath queries, the module facilitates flexible and powerful data fetching capabilities, enabling developers to build complex data-driven functionalities with ease.
  • Client-side Enhancements: JavaScript actions included in the module enable client-side list manipulations, such as element swapping and index-based deletions, enhancing the user experience without the need for server-side processing.
  • Enhanced UI Interactions: The module supports the creation of more interactive and dynamic user interfaces by allowing real-time list modifications based on user input or actions.
  • Easy Integration: Designed to be easily integrated into any Mendix project, the module provides straightforward actions that can be utilized without extensive coding, making it accessible to developers of varying skill levels.


Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 10.1.1
Release Notes: This module provides various java and javascript actions that are usable for every project.
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 10.1.1
Release Notes: This release provides various reusable java & javascript actions.