Extended List Util

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility


This module contains Java actions to extend list operations:

Unique List: It provides the unique list based on the provided attribute.

List String Joiner: It joins values of a given attribute by a separator like comma, semicolon, pipe, etc., of the given list.

List Join: It compares joins List1 and List2 based on the specified attribute from List1 and List2 and returns the matching elements from List1 that are present in List2.

Group By: It groups the given list based on the specified attribute.

Range List: It gives the sublist of given list based on offset and range.




This module contains Java actions to extend list operations:

Unique List: It provides the unique list based on the provided attribute.

List String Joiner: It joins values of a given attribute by a separator like comma, semicolon, pipe, etc., of the given list.

List Join: It compares joins List1 and List2 based on the specified attribute from List1 and List2 and returns the matching elements from List1 that are present in List2.

Group By: It groups the given list based on the specified attribute.

Range List: It gives the sublist of given list based on offset and range.




Version: 1.2.1
Framework Version: 9.24.12
Release Notes: Added new java action SortStringAsNumeric , which allow you to sort string attribute as numeric .
Version: 1.1.1
Framework Version: 9.24.6
Release Notes: Fixed issue of group by.
Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 9.24.6
Release Notes: Added new java action of RangeList.