Pell Rich Editor

Content Type: Widget
Categories: Data


A fully functional Rich Text Editor for mobile



A fully functional and lightweight Rich Text Editor for mobile, based on react-native-pell-rich-editor package v1.9.0

Features and limitations

The editor includes default actions:

  • Insert Image
  • Set Bold
  • Set Italic
  • Insert Bullets List
  • Insert Ordered List
  • Insert Link
  • Keyboard
  • Set Strikethrough
  • Set Underline
  • Checkbox List
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Heading


  • [ Mendix 8, 9, 10 ]


Pick Image action in widget need a Nanoflow that use the Java script action Take picture (advanced) to browser image file from device.

The Take picture (advanced) is one of Java script actions found in Marketplace module called NativeMobileResources. This module need to be installed first.

The Java script action Take picture (advanced) also need to be modified as picures shown below:

In main funtion TakePictureAdvanced line 54 add

resultObject.set("B64", responseV2.base64);

and line 73 add

resultObject.set("B64", responseV1.assets[0].base64);

In both getOptions and getOptionsV2 add line in return object:

includeBase64: true,

That was all modifications with Take picture (advanced) action Java script file. All modifications were shown in screenshot

In Domain model of NativeMobileResources add attribute B64 with type string and unlimited length to ImageMetaData entity

The result returned from Take picture action was assigned to Base64 Image property as $ReturnValueName/B64


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.3
Release Notes: A fully functional Rich Text Editor for mobile based on react-native-pell-rich-editor package version 1.9.0