Number To Words

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility,Connectors,Visualization


This JavaScript action will Convert the Number or Amount in words, The amount you will give as input to this JavaScript action will be converted in words in English.



Please see in the Mendix documentation for details.



This JavaScript action will Convert the Number or Amount in words, The amount you will give as input to this JavaScript action will be converted in words in English.

  1. You need to download this module.
  2. Create a nanoflow and call JS.
  3. Pass your Int value and get the result as a Return value.

Typical usage scenario

  1. In some cases, for Invoice print, you want the amount should be printed in words.
  2. If you need to store value in words in the backend

Features and limitations

This JavaScript action will Convert the Number(Int) into words.

It will not work with Decimal values.

Dependencies [optional]

  • [Mendix modeler version]
  • [Other dependencies: E.g. modules, jars, images, styles etc.][

Installation [optional]

[Describe the necessary steps to install the content]

Configuration [optional]

[Describe the necessary steps to configure the content]

Known bugs [optional]

[Describe the known bugs]

Frequently Asked Questions [optional]

  • Q:
  • A:


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.3
Release Notes: This JavaScript action will Convert the Number or Amount in words, The amount you will give as input to this JavaScript action will be converted in words in English. 1. You need to download this module. 2. You need to pass a number as a parameter and you will get the return value in words.