Native Device Info

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility,Tracing


This module helps in getting the device information, application information, Battery and power, Connectivity and Features, Display and Brightness, Storage Information, System Information and User and Usage Information.


Device Information:

• GetAndriodID

• GetAPILevel

• GetBaseOS

• GetBootloader

• GetBrand

• GetBuildNumber

• GetDevice

• GetDeviceID

• GetDeviceName

• GetDeviceToken

• GetDeviceType

• GetFingerprint

• GetHardware

• GetManufacturer

• GetProduct

• GetSystemName

• GetSystemVersion

• GetTotalMemory

Application Information:

• GetApplicationName

• GetBundleId

• GetFirstInstallTime

Battery and Power:

• GetBatteryLevel

• isBatteryCharging

Display and Brightness:

• GetBrightness

• GetDisplay

• isDisplayZoomed

Storage Information:

• GetFreeDiskStorage

• GetFreeDiskStorageOld

• GetTotalDiskCapacity

• GetTotalDiskCapacityOld

Connectivity and Features:

• GetCarrier

• GetCodename

• hasDynamicIsland

• hasGms

• hasHms

• hasNotch

• hasSystemFeature

• isAirplaneMode

• isCameraPresent

• isEmulator

• isHeadphonesConnected

• isLandscape

• isLocationEnabled

• isLowRamDevice

• isPinOrFingerprintSet

• getSystemAvailableFeatures

System Information:

• GetHost

• GetMaxMemory

• GetSecurityPatch

• PlatformOS

• supported32BitAbis

• supported64BitAbis

• supportedAbis

User and Usage Information:

• GetUserAgent


This module helps in getting the device information, application information, Battery and power, Connectivity and Features, Display and Brightness, Storage Information, System Information and User and Usage Information.

Device Information:

GetAndriodID - Gets the Android ID

GetAPILevel - Gets the API level.

GetBaseOS - The base OS build the product is based on.

GetBootloader - The system bootloader version number.

GetBrand - Gets the device brand.

GetBuildNumber - Gets the application build number.

GetDevice - The name of the industrial design.

GetDeviceID - Gets the device ID.

GetDeviceName - Gets the device name.

GetDeviceToken - Gets the device token.

GetDeviceType - Returns the device's type as a string, which will be one of:

o Handset o Tablet o Tv o Desktop o GamingConsole o unknown

GetFingerprint - A string that uniquely identifies this build.

GetHardware - The name of the hardware (from the kernel command line or /proc).

GetManufacturer - Gets the device manufacturer.

GetProduct - The name of the overall product.

GetSystemName - Gets the device OS name.

GetSystemVersion - Gets the device OS version.

GetTotalMemory - Gets the device total memory, in bytes.

Application Information:

GetApplicationName - Gets the application name.

GetBundleId - Gets the application bundle identifier.

GetFirstInstallTime - Gets the time at which the app was first installed, in milliseconds.

Battery and Power:

GetBatteryLevel - Gets the battery level of the device as a float comprised between 0 and 1.

isBatteryCharging - Tells if the battery is currently charging.

Display and Brightness:

GetBrightness - Gets the current brightness level of the device's main screen. Currently iOS only. Returns a number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.

GetDisplay - A build ID string meant for displaying to the user.

isDisplayZoomed - Tells if the user changed Display Zoom to Zoomed

Storage Information:

GetFreeDiskStorage - Method that gets available storage size, in bytes, taking into account both root and data file systems calculation.

GetFreeDiskStorageOld - Old implementation of method that gets available storage size, in bytes.

GetTotalDiskCapacity - Method that gets full disk storage size, in bytes, taking into account both root and data file systems calculation.

GetTotalDiskCapacityOld - Old implementation of method that gets full disk storage size, in bytes.

Connectivity and Features:

GetCarrier - Gets the carrier name (network operator).

GetCodename - The current development codename, or the string "REL" if this is a release build.

hasDynamicIsland - Tells if the device has a dynamic island.

hasGms - Tells if the device supports Google Mobile Services.

hasHms - Tells if the device supports Huawei Mobile Services.

hasNotch - Tells if the device has a notch.

hasSystemFeature - Tells if the device has a specific system feature.

isAirplaneMode - Tells if the device is in Airplane Mode.

isCameraPresent - Tells if the device has any camera now.

isEmulator - Tells if the application is running in an emulator.

isHeadphonesConnected - Tells if the device is connected to wired headset or bluetooth headphones

isLandscape - Tells if the device is currently in landscape mode.

isLocationEnabled - Tells if the device has location services turned off at the device-level (NOT related to app-specific permissions)

isLowRamDevice - Tells if the device has low RAM.

isPinOrFingerprintSet - Tells if a PIN number or a fingerprint was set for the device.

getSystemAvailableFeatures - Returns a list of available system features on Android in a comma separated string.

System Information:

GetHost - Hostname

GetMaxMemory - Returns the maximum amount of memory that the VM will attempt to use, in bytes.

GetSecurityPatch - The user-visible security patch level.

PlatformOS - Gets the platform OS.

supported32BitAbis - An ordered list of 32 bit ABIs supported by this device in a comma separated string.

supported64BitAbis - An ordered list of 64 bit ABIs supported by this device in a comma separated string.

supportedAbis - Returns a list of supported processor architecture version in a comma separated string.

User and Usage Information:

GetUserAgent - Gets the device User Agent.

Issues, suggestions and feature requests


Version: 1.2.0
Framework Version: 10.4.1
Release Notes: **Native Device Info** This module helps in getting the device information, application information, Battery and power, Connectivity and Features, Display and Brightness, Storage Information, System Information and User and Usage Information. **Features:** **Device Information:** • GetAndriodID - Gets the Android ID • GetAPILevel - Gets the API level. • GetBaseOS - The base OS build the product is based on. • GetBootloader - The system bootloader version number. • GetBrand - Gets the device brand. • GetBuildNumber - Gets the application build number. • GetDevice - The name of the industrial design. • GetDeviceID - Gets the device ID. • GetDeviceName - Gets the device name. • GetDeviceToken - Gets the device token. • GetDeviceType - Returns the device's type as a string, which will be one of: o Handset o Tablet o Tv o Desktop o GamingConsole o unknown • GetFingerprint - A string that uniquely identifies this build. • GetHardware - The name of the hardware (from the kernel command line or /proc). • GetManufacturer - Gets the device manufacturer. • GetProduct - The name of the overall product. • GetSystemName - Gets the device OS name. • GetSystemVersion - Gets the device OS version. • GetTotalMemory - Gets the device total memory, in bytes. **Application Information:** • GetApplicationName - Gets the application name. • GetBundleId - Gets the application bundle identifier. • GetFirstInstallTime - Gets the time at which the app was first installed, in milliseconds. **Battery and Power:** • GetBatteryLevel - Gets the battery level of the device as a float comprised between 0 and 1. • isBatteryCharging - Tells if the battery is currently charging. **Display and Brightness:** • GetBrightness - Gets the current brightness level of the device's main screen. Currently iOS only. Returns a number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. • GetDisplay - A build ID string meant for displaying to the user. • isDisplayZoomed - Tells if the user changed Display Zoom to Zoomed **Storage Information:** • GetFreeDiskStorage - Method that gets available storage size, in bytes, taking into account both root and data file systems calculation. • GetFreeDiskStorageOld - Old implementation of method that gets available storage size, in bytes. • GetTotalDiskCapacity - Method that gets full disk storage size, in bytes, taking into account both root and data file systems calculation. • GetTotalDiskCapacityOld - Old implementation of method that gets full disk storage size, in bytes. **Connectivity and Features:** • GetCarrier - Gets the carrier name (network operator). • GetCodename - The current development codename, or the string "REL" if this is a release build. • hasDynamicIsland - Tells if the device has a dynamic island. • hasGms - Tells if the device supports Google Mobile Services. • hasHms - Tells if the device supports Huawei Mobile Services. • hasNotch - Tells if the device has a notch. • hasSystemFeature - Tells if the device has a specific system feature. • isAirplaneMode - Tells if the device is in Airplane Mode. • isCameraPresent - Tells if the device has any camera now. • isEmulator - Tells if the application is running in an emulator. • isHeadphonesConnected - Tells if the device is connected to wired headset or bluetooth headphones • isLandscape - Tells if the device is currently in landscape mode. • isLocationEnabled - Tells if the device has location services turned off at the device-level (NOT related to app-specific permissions) • isLowRamDevice - Tells if the device has low RAM. • isPinOrFingerprintSet - Tells if a PIN number or a fingerprint was set for the device. • getSystemAvailableFeatures - Returns a list of available system features on Android in a comma separated string. **System Information:** • GetHost - Hostname • GetMaxMemory - Returns the maximum amount of memory that the VM will attempt to use, in bytes. • GetSecurityPatch - The user-visible security patch level. • PlatformOS - Gets the platform OS. • supported32BitAbis - An ordered list of 32 bit ABIs supported by this device in a comma separated string. • supported64BitAbis - An ordered list of 64 bit ABIs supported by this device in a comma separated string. • supportedAbis - Returns a list of supported processor architecture version in a comma separated string. **User and Usage Information:** • GetUserAgent - Gets the device User Agent. **Issues, suggestions and feature requests** []( **Screenshots:** ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image](
Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: **Native Device Info** This module helps in getting the device information, application information, Battery and power, Connectivity and Features, Display and Brightness, Storage Information, System Information and User and Usage Information. **Features:** **Device Information:** • GetAndriodID - Gets the Android ID • GetAPILevel - Gets the API level. • GetBaseOS - The base OS build the product is based on. • GetBootloader - The system bootloader version number. • GetBrand - Gets the device brand. • GetBuildNumber - Gets the application build number. • GetDevice - The name of the industrial design. • GetDeviceID - Gets the device ID. • GetDeviceName - Gets the device name. • GetDeviceToken - Gets the device token. • GetDeviceType - Returns the device's type as a string, which will be one of: o Handset o Tablet o Tv o Desktop o GamingConsole o unknown • GetFingerprint - A string that uniquely identifies this build. • GetHardware - The name of the hardware (from the kernel command line or /proc). • GetManufacturer - Gets the device manufacturer. • GetProduct - The name of the overall product. • GetSystemName - Gets the device OS name. • GetSystemVersion - Gets the device OS version. • GetTotalMemory - Gets the device total memory, in bytes. **Application Information:** • GetApplicationName - Gets the application name. • GetBundleId - Gets the application bundle identifier. • GetFirstInstallTime - Gets the time at which the app was first installed, in milliseconds. **Battery and Power:** • GetBatteryLevel - Gets the battery level of the device as a float comprised between 0 and 1. • isBatteryCharging - Tells if the battery is currently charging. **Display and Brightness:** • GetBrightness - Gets the current brightness level of the device's main screen. Currently iOS only. Returns a number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. • GetDisplay - A build ID string meant for displaying to the user. • isDisplayZoomed - Tells if the user changed Display Zoom to Zoomed **Storage Information:** • GetFreeDiskStorage - Method that gets available storage size, in bytes, taking into account both root and data file systems calculation. • GetFreeDiskStorageOld - Old implementation of method that gets available storage size, in bytes. • GetTotalDiskCapacity - Method that gets full disk storage size, in bytes, taking into account both root and data file systems calculation. • GetTotalDiskCapacityOld - Old implementation of method that gets full disk storage size, in bytes. **Connectivity and Features:** • GetCarrier - Gets the carrier name (network operator). • GetCodename - The current development codename, or the string "REL" if this is a release build. • hasDynamicIsland - Tells if the device has a dynamic island. • hasGms - Tells if the device supports Google Mobile Services. • hasHms - Tells if the device supports Huawei Mobile Services. • hasNotch - Tells if the device has a notch. • hasSystemFeature - Tells if the device has a specific system feature. • isAirplaneMode - Tells if the device is in Airplane Mode. • isCameraPresent - Tells if the device has any camera now. • isEmulator - Tells if the application is running in an emulator. • isHeadphonesConnected - Tells if the device is connected to wired headset or bluetooth headphones • isLandscape - Tells if the device is currently in landscape mode. • isLocationEnabled - Tells if the device has location services turned off at the device-level (NOT related to app-specific permissions) • isLowRamDevice - Tells if the device has low RAM. • isPinOrFingerprintSet - Tells if a PIN number or a fingerprint was set for the device. • getSystemAvailableFeatures - Returns a list of available system features on Android in a comma separated string. **System Information:** • GetHost - Hostname • GetMaxMemory - Returns the maximum amount of memory that the VM will attempt to use, in bytes. • GetSecurityPatch - The user-visible security patch level. • PlatformOS - Gets the platform OS. • supported32BitAbis - An ordered list of 32 bit ABIs supported by this device in a comma separated string. • supported64BitAbis - An ordered list of 64 bit ABIs supported by this device in a comma separated string. • supportedAbis - Returns a list of supported processor architecture version in a comma separated string. **User and Usage Information:** • GetUserAgent - Gets the device User Agent. **Issues, suggestions and feature requests** []( **Screenshots:** ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image](
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: **Native Device Info** This module helps in getting the device information, application information, Battery and power, Connectivity and Features, Display and Brightness, Storage Information, System Information and User and Usage Information. **Features:** **Device Information:** • GetAndriodID - Gets the Android ID • GetAPILevel - Gets the API level. • GetBaseOS - The base OS build the product is based on. • GetBootloader - The system bootloader version number. • GetBrand - Gets the device brand. • GetBuildNumber - Gets the application build number. • GetDevice - The name of the industrial design. • GetDeviceID - Gets the device ID. • GetDeviceName - Gets the device name. • GetDeviceToken - Gets the device token. • GetDeviceType - Returns the device's type as a string, which will be one of: o Handset o Tablet o Tv o Desktop o GamingConsole o unknown • GetFingerprint - A string that uniquely identifies this build. • GetHardware - The name of the hardware (from the kernel command line or /proc). • GetManufacturer - Gets the device manufacturer. • GetProduct - The name of the overall product. • GetSystemName - Gets the device OS name. • GetSystemVersion - Gets the device OS version. • GetTotalMemory - Gets the device total memory, in bytes. **Application Information:** • GetApplicationName - Gets the application name. • GetBundleId - Gets the application bundle identifier. • GetFirstInstallTime - Gets the time at which the app was first installed, in milliseconds. **Battery and Power:** • GetBatteryLevel - Gets the battery level of the device as a float comprised between 0 and 1. • isBatteryCharging - Tells if the battery is currently charging. **Display and Brightness:** • GetBrightness - Gets the current brightness level of the device's main screen. Currently iOS only. Returns a number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. • GetDisplay - A build ID string meant for displaying to the user. • isDisplayZoomed - Tells if the user changed Display Zoom to Zoomed **Storage Information:** • GetFreeDiskStorage - Method that gets available storage size, in bytes, taking into account both root and data file systems calculation. • GetFreeDiskStorageOld - Old implementation of method that gets available storage size, in bytes. • GetTotalDiskCapacity - Method that gets full disk storage size, in bytes, taking into account both root and data file systems calculation. • GetTotalDiskCapacityOld - Old implementation of method that gets full disk storage size, in bytes. **Connectivity and Features:** • GetCarrier - Gets the carrier name (network operator). • GetCodename - The current development codename, or the string "REL" if this is a release build. • hasDynamicIsland - Tells if the device has a dynamic island. • hasGms - Tells if the device supports Google Mobile Services. • hasHms - Tells if the device supports Huawei Mobile Services. • hasNotch - Tells if the device has a notch. • hasSystemFeature - Tells if the device has a specific system feature. • isAirplaneMode - Tells if the device is in Airplane Mode. • isCameraPresent - Tells if the device has any camera now. • isEmulator - Tells if the application is running in an emulator. • isHeadphonesConnected - Tells if the device is connected to wired headset or bluetooth headphones • isLandscape - Tells if the device is currently in landscape mode. • isLocationEnabled - Tells if the device has location services turned off at the device-level (NOT related to app-specific permissions) • isLowRamDevice - Tells if the device has low RAM. • isPinOrFingerprintSet - Tells if a PIN number or a fingerprint was set for the device. • getSystemAvailableFeatures - Returns a list of available system features on Android in a comma separated string. **System Information:** • GetHost - Hostname • GetMaxMemory - Returns the maximum amount of memory that the VM will attempt to use, in bytes. • GetSecurityPatch - The user-visible security patch level. • PlatformOS - Gets the platform OS. • supported32BitAbis - An ordered list of 32 bit ABIs supported by this device in a comma separated string. • supported64BitAbis - An ordered list of 64 bit ABIs supported by this device in a comma separated string. • supportedAbis - Returns a list of supported processor architecture version in a comma separated string. **User and Usage Information:** • GetUserAgent - Gets the device User Agent. **Issues, suggestions and feature requests** []( **Screenshots:** ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image](