JSON-stat Importer

Content Type: Module
Categories: Import/Export


"The JSON-stat format is a simple lightweight JSON format for data dissemination. It is based in a cube model that arises from the evidence that the most common form of aggregated data dissemination is the tabular form. In this cube model, datasets are organized in dimensions. Dimensions are organized in categories." (https://json-stat.org/format/)

The JSON-stat format is mainly used by federal statistics offices like Eurostat.

This module provides import mappings and microflows that seamlessly import JSON-stat Strings into a relational Mendix data format.


Find a detailed documentation in the README of the Github repository.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: Version 1.0.0 of the JSON-stat Importer module for Mendix ✨ New Features - added basic features for the import of JSON-stat Strings [879b57d](https://github.com/gemdav/JSONStatImporter/commit/879b57d943a86154f081cc999edd9cd490d08997) 🐛 Bugfixes No bugfixes