Combo box

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


The Combo box widget displays a list of options that users can select from and supports

  • Associations
  • Enumeration and Boolean attributes
  • Multi-selection for reference sets
  • Type-ahead to filter options
  • Custom content rendering (e.g. to add images next to the caption)
  • Custom footer (e.g add button below the option list)

This widget is the successor of the Drop-down, Reference selector, Reference set selector, and Input reference set selector widget.


Please see Combo box in the Mendix documentation for details.


Version: 2.1.3
Framework Version: 10.7.0
Release Notes: ### Fixed - We fixed an issue where placeholder failed to shown on database source.
Version: 2.1.2
Framework Version: 10.7.0
Release Notes: ### Fixed - We fixed an issue where onchange event on database source triggered directly onload. - We fixed an issue where selected value sometimes shows unavailable text on lazy loaded content.
Version: 2.1.1
Framework Version: 10.7.0
Release Notes: ### Fixed - We fixed an issue where database optional value attribute breaks on runtime when not being set. - We fixed an issue where custom content not shown on design preview and runtime for database datasource.
Version: 2.1.0
Framework Version: 10.7.0
Release Notes: ### Added - We added support for attribute with **Long** type. ### Changed - We make **Value** no longer required if the **Target attribute** is not set for database datasource. - We restructure **Attribute** group configuration and rename it as **Store value**.
Version: 2.0.2
Framework Version: 10.7.0
Release Notes: ### Fixed - We fixed an issue where the onChange event was not being triggered when selecting an item for the first time. - We fixed an issue where the combo box values would not refresh after toggling its read-only state.
Version: 2.0.1
Framework Version: 10.7.0
Release Notes: ### Fixed - We fixed an issue with the toolbar visibility when a combobox menu overlays it.
Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: 10.7.0
Release Notes: ### Added - We added the ability to auto label combobox, based on the set attributes. - We implement the selection API for combobox that use database datasource, which allows the widget selection to be listened into. ### Fixed - We fixed a11y issue where aria-required not applied in the widget.
Version: 1.7.0
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: ### Fixed - We fixed an issue where placeholder failed to shown on database source. - We fixed an issue where onchange event on database source triggered directly onload. - We fixed an issue where selected value sometimes shows unavailable text on lazy loaded content. - We fixed an issue where database optional value attribute breaks on runtime when not being set. - We fixed an issue where custom content not shown on design preview and runtime for database datasource. - We fixed an issue where the onChange event was not being triggered when selecting an item for the first time. - We fixed an issue where the combo box values would not refresh after toggling its read-only state. - We fixed an issue with the toolbar visibility when a combobox menu overlays it. - We fixed a11y issue where aria-required not applied in the widget. ### Added - We added support for attribute with **Long** type. ### Changed - We restructure **Attribute** group configuration and rename it as **Store value**.
Version: 1.6.3
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: ### Added - We added a new filter type, 'Contains (exact),' as an option to provide a more strict search ranking.
Version: 1.6.2
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: ### Changed - Due to technical limitation, it is not possible to use lazy load on caption type = expression. Thus, we removed lazy loading for this configuration.