
Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


LogTransporter is a specialized library designed to cater to the growing needs of applications built on the Mendix platform. It bridges the gap between Mendix's logging mechanism and third-party systems with support for HTTP endpoints. Send your mendix logs to any HTTP endpoint!


Step-by-Step Implementation Guide

1. Implement AfterStartup Microflow

  • Begin by including the AfterStartup_LogTransporter into your Mendix application's AfterStartup microflow. This step is essential for initiating LogTransporter's functionalities upon your application's startup

2. Implement Configuration Snippet

  • Next, insert the provided 'SNIP_LogTransporterConfiguration' snippet into your application's configuration page or create a new page if it doesn't already exist. This Snippet centralizes the settings and controls for the LogTransporter

3. Deploy your application

  • Commit the changes and deploy the application, no constants are used

4. Configuring the LogTransporter

  • After the deployment, login to the application and navigate to the Configuration page you added earlier
    • Auto start - When enabled, the LogTransporter runs automatically every time the application restarts
    • App sub domain name - This can be any app identifier. Preferably use the prefix of your application URL here. So if your default app URL is mendixapp.mendixcloud.com / mendixapp-accp.mendixcloud.com then your sub-domain is "mendixapp"
    • Connection URL - Fill in the Endpoint of where you want the Logs to be transported to
    • Username & Password - Fill in the usename and password that are needed for authentication at the Endpoint
    • Environment - Fill in the environment that the LogTranporter is running on. (test, acceptance, production etc.)
    • License key - Please fill in the License key you have received here to fully use the LogTransporter. Without a valid License key the module will be in Demo-mode
  • After configuration, click 'Save' and then on the 'Restart' button. If everything is configured correctly the LogTransporter will start sending Logs

5. Verify functionality

  • Lastly, to ensure the successful implementation, monitor the target system. Verify if the logs from your Mendix application are being correctly routed and recorded


Additional Information

  • Updating - If you are updating from a lower version of the LogTransporter, it is best to remove the module -> Commit -> Re-add the module, please make sure to remove any old .java files from your userlib aswell before committing.
  • DEMO Mode - This mode has a limit of 20 transports. For the full version, email info@capegroep.nl
  • Advanced - When a set time period elapses or when the log buffer is full, a transport occurs. Adjust these settings in the 'Advanced' tab.A buffer might hold multiple log lines, so a single transport event can send several log lines at once


Version: 5.1.2
Framework Version: 10.12.0
Release Notes: 1. Fix library dependencies and removed fastjson1 2. Multi-instance support Please remove all old library files before or after updating. This module includes: logtransporter-5.1.2-MxStore-Mx10
Version: 5.1.1
Framework Version: 10.6.0
Release Notes: 1. Bug fix and performance improvement
Version: 5.1.0
Framework Version: 10.6.0
Release Notes: - Added Mendix 10 support
Version: 5.0.5
Framework Version: 9.24.22
Release Notes: 1. Fix library dependencies and removed fastjson1 2. Multi-instance support Please remove all old library files before or after updating. This module includes: logtransporter-5.0.5-MxStore-Mx9 fastjson2-2.0.54 java-jwt-4.4.0
Version: 5.0.3
Framework Version: 9.24.22
Release Notes: 1. Bug fix and performance improvement
Version: 5.0.2
Framework Version: 9.24.22
Release Notes: LogTransporter public store re-release - Cleaned up microflows and pages - Added Dutch translation - Added in-depth implementation manual