Native Carousel, Card Stack, and Image Banners
React Native Snap Carousel widget is a mobile widget for building static and dynamic content rotators, card stacks, and Image banners.
React Native Snap Carousel & Card Stack
React Native Snap Carousel widget is a mobile widget for building static and dynamic content rotators and card stack.
- Static or dynamic content.
- Support adding action when the item has been determined.
- Auto Play.
- Infinite loop.
- Hide/Show Pagination.
- determined carousel and items Width.
- Enabled or disabled carousel.
- determined the first item to start with.
- Multi-styling options.
1. Default Carousel (Image Banners)
2. Card Stack
3. Tinder
Issues, suggestions
background: For a 'Stack and Tinder' layout, make sure to apply a background color to your content to achieve the desired card stack view.
Hight: Ensure that all items have the same height to achieve the desired view.
Layout grid: Be careful when placing the carousel within a layout grid, as it might override the column size properties and determine its own width from the properties.
Reversed view: here's a tip if you want to achieve a reversed view when initializing the carousel in the 'stack and tinder' layout.
Dynamic data types, consider using a reversed list in the data source and modify the first item to represent the length of the list (or any fake large number greater than the list length). Additionally, you may need to hide the pagination in this scenario.
Static data types: the only thing you need is to change the first item to represent the number of all items (or any fake large number greater than the number of the items), Additionally, you may need to hide the pagination in this scenario.
LinkedIn Aseel Dweedar