PDF Separator

Content Type: Module
Categories: Data


This is a small module that allows for the splitting of a single PDF with multiple pages into individual PDFs for each page.


Demo urlhttps://pdfseparate-sandbox.mxapps.io


A simple module with one main java action, SplitPDF, that takes a single PDF file document as an input, and separates the pages of that PDF file into individual PDF files. These files are then returned in the form of a list of file documents.

Typical usage scenario

If you have a single PDF with multiple pages that you'd like to separate/split into individual pages

Features and limitations

You are able to separate a single PDF file with multiple pages into it's individual pages as PDF files. Please check out the demo app for an idea of what it does and how to use it!


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.3
Release Notes: This is the initial release of the PDF Separate module. It provides users with a primary java action that takes in a PDF file in the form of a file document object and splits that PDF into individual pages. It then returns those pages as PDF files in the form of a list of file document objects.