RDW Open Data API connector

Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors,Data


Want to use the RDW Open Data API in your product to get the license plate information for Dutch vehicles for free? This module helps you to set up the API to connect to the RDW.

The REST calls to get the general information and to get the fuel information are included. The import mapping is included and the endpoints are included for the datasets "Open Data RDW: Gekentekende_voertuigen" and "Open Data RDW: Gekentekende_voertuigen_brandstof". There are some example nanoflows to get you going.


Demo urlhttps://rdwopendataapp-sandbox.mxapps.io/


With this module you can connect to the RDW Open Data API to retrieve vehicle information for Dutch vehicles. Based on one input of a string (the license plate) you get all the information that is available in the data of the RDW.

In the module are the following items:

  • Microflow to call the general information API
  • Microflow to call the fuel information API (combined with the general API you have all the basics)
  • RDW Open Data endpoint constant for the general API
  • RDW Open Data endpoint constant for the fuel API
  • Regex to make sure it is a Dutch license plate
  • Import mapping for both API's
  • Examples with nanoflows to get you started

All information about the APIs and the RDW Open Data can be found here: https://opendata.rdw.nl/. Optional you can sign up for a free account and an App token at https://opendata.rdw.nl/signup. Usage of the API's is based on fair use and with an account without a limitation.


Typical usage scenario

The need for Dutch vehicle information, free of charge.


Features and limitations

Get all vehicle information from the RDW Open Data

  • Expand it and use it in anyway you like
  • You need a free RDW Open Data account and an App token to use the API's without limits (fair use)
  • Text mainly in Dutch, but translated in English were possible


  • Mendix 9.24.30
  • Atlas_Core (only to view the example pages)


(optional to don't have limited api calls)

  • go to https://opendata.rdw.nl/signup, create an account and create an App token
  • enter the created App token in the constant "RDWOpenDataAppToken" and save it

Open the page "RdwData_Home", enter a license plate and see the result

If you have any questions, just let me know (akkerman@vdsautomotive.com). In the demo it is possible to call the API with multiple license plates (for demo testing restricted to 5 license plates at a time, but we are using this with batches up to 500 license plates at a time, which works without problems). You can find the demo here: https://rdwopendataapp-sandbox.mxapps.io/.




Version: 3.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.30
Release Notes: Update to StudioPro 9.24.30 LTS
Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.18
Release Notes: Update to StudioPro 9.24.18
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.6
Release Notes: V1.0.0 with API call microflows to the RDW Open Data rest API general and fuel.