Reverse List

Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors,Data


The java action for list reversal is a custom Java action component developed within a Mendix application. This Java action is designed to reverse the order of elements in a list efficiently. It can be used to manipulate lists of data within the Mendix platform.



The "Java Action for List Reversal" is a custom Java action component developed within a Mendix application. This Java action is designed to reverse the order of elements in a list efficiently. It can be used to manipulate lists of data within the Mendix platform

Typical usage scenario

String Manipulation: This component is typically used in scenarios where there is a need to reverse the order of a list, such as reversing strings, arrays, or collections. For example, it can be used in applications involving text processing, data transformation, or user-generated content where reversing lists is a requirement.

Sorting: It can also be used in sorting algorithms where reversing a list may be a necessary step to achieve the desired order.

Features and limitations

List Reversal: The primary feature of this component is its ability to reverse the order of elements in a list. It efficiently reverses the list, ensuring that the last element becomes the first, the second-to-last becomes the second, and so on.

Customizable: The component can be integrated into various parts of a Mendix application's workflow, allowing developers to customize when and where list reversal is applied.


  • Mendix version 9.18.4 or above


Add a "ACT_ReverseList" Java Action activity to your microflow . This Java action should contain the list reversal logic.


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Known bugs

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.4
Release Notes: Initial Release