Button Loader

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


Use the Button Loading pattern to call actions that will not run immediately and should provide a visual hint and disable the button from being clicked until it becomes available again


Typical usage scenario

Use the Button Loading pattern to call actions that will not run immediately and should provide a visual hint and disable the button from being clicked until it becomes available again.

Features and limitations

  • Transform standard buttons into loading indicators. 
  • Customizable button text and styles. 
  • Event triggering for seamless integration into microflows or nanoflows 
  • Static timing for loading.


To get started with the Loading Button widget, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place: 

  • Mendix Modeler version 9.0.0 or higher. 
  • Access to your Mendix project. 

Follow these steps to add the widget to your Mendix project: 

Open your Mendix project in the Mendix Modeler. 

In the toolbar, navigate to "App Store" or "Widgets" depending on your project's version. 

Search for "Loading Button" and click "Add to Project". 

Once added, the widget will be available in the "Widgets" section of the toolbar. 


The Loading Button widget offers various configuration options to tailor its behavior to your needs. 

1.Widget Properties: 

  1. Button Text: Define the text displayed on the button. 
  2. Button Style: Customize the button's appearance with CSS styling. 


  1. On Click: Triggered when the button is clicked. 
  2. Time Interval: user can set time as per their wish to show loading when action is performed. 



Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.5
Release Notes: Use the Button Loading pattern to call actions that will not run immediately and should provide a visual hint and disable the button from being clicked until it becomes available again.