Card Flip Widget

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


Flip Card is a widget which is used to flip a card in two ways horizontally and

vertically and can be flipped by mouse over as well as mouse click.


Documentation To Flip

a Card


Flip Card is a widget which is used to flip a card in two ways horizontally and

vertically and can be flipped by mouse over as well as mouse click.


We often have to apply

photos or lables that we can flip and show some interesting things in back side

of the photo, but we have to do a lot of work to achieve this. Now I have

created this widget which will make this task very smooth. You simply have to

drag and drop the widget where you want to use this feature.


This Widget can be

used in places where you have to show some pictures or labels and also want to

flip that picture or label and give a short description about the picture or

label. You would have seen this wffect mostly in shopping websites where they

use product pictures and when you click on them you can see their price or any

other information related to it.


This widget has

onclick as well as mouse hover features, you an apply images as well as labels.

There is also rotation feature, you can rotate this in horizontal and vertical.




Mendix version 9.12.4.


1.       Download CardFlip widget from market place.

2.       Drag the CardFlip widget where you want to use this.

3.       Apply the properties you want to.

4.       Use it now.


1.       For any queries you can reach out to .


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: initial