
Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


Enhance security in your page with the Google reCAPTCHA Validation Widget.

Designed for the latest versions of Mendix, this widget seamlessly integrates the robust reCAPTCHA service from Google.

Safeguard your applications against automated bots and ensure data integrity. Implement reCAPTCHA validation effortlessly and keep your public pages secure.


Demo url


Enhance security in your page with the Google reCAPTCHA Validation Widget.

Designed for the latest versions of Mendix, this widget seamlessly integrates the robust reCAPTCHA service from Google.

Safeguard your applications against automated bots and ensure data integrity. Implement reCAPTCHA validation effortlessly and keep your public pages secure.

Typical usage scenario

Utilize this widget in scenarios where your Mendix application includes pages with forms accessible to anonymous users, and you aim to thwart automated bots. By implementing the Google reCAPTCHA Validation Widget, you can effectively prevent unwanted bot interactions, ensuring the authenticity of user submissions.

Features and limitations

  • Token Retrieval: Easily obtain the token generated by Google reCAPTCHA to enhance security verification.
  • Onchange Microflow: Implement custom microflows triggered by changes in reCAPTCHA responses, allowing flexible handling of user interactions.
  • Type Specification: Configure the widget to support various reCAPTCHA types, ensuring seamless integration with different forms and user interactions.
  • Badge Position: Define the position of the reCAPTCHA badge within your application's interface, optimizing visibility and user experience.
  • Theme Customization

Find here the module with the widget implementation:


  1. Get private and public keys form here:
  2. Other implementation you can find in example module.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 10.1.1
Release Notes: First Release.