Binary Search
This module will provide user to search the index of particular data from the list of data of database and it will also provide the option to the user to select the particular column and perform search on it. this will make searching fast as it is only using logn time complexity.
This module will provide user to search the index of particular data from the list of data of database and it will also provide the option to the user to select the particular column and perform search on it. this will make searching fast as it is only using login time complexity and for all this here i am using java action where i am passing search value and list of data and that java action will return the index of data.
Typical usage scenario
To find the Index of particular data from database.
Features and limitations
- Will provide the index of data.
- Easy to use.
- Improve user interaction.
Dependencies [optional]
- Mendix 9.24.2 or higher