
Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


This is used to connect Teams Webhooks with Mendix using REST API.



Mendix Studio: above 9.24.0 version


Mendix Studio: above 9.24.0 version

The module has been thoroughly tested and verified to work seamlessly with the mentioned Mendix platform versions. It is designed to leverage the capabilities and features provided by Mendix, ensuring a smooth integration into your application development process.


Webhooks and connectors are a simple way to connect your web services to channels and teams inside Microsoft Teams. Outgoing webhooks allow your users to send text messages from a channel to your web services. Connectors allow users to subscribe to receive notifications and messages from your web services.

Typical usage scenario

We can use this TeamWebhookConnector to connect teams webhook with mendix using REST API Calls.

Features and limitations

We can connect team webhook with mendix and send message in the form of JSON using REST API

We can send limited message only which is available in the form of JSON.

Dependencies [optional]

Firstly We Need to generate webhook link from incoming webhook in teams and use this link in REST API to connect with the team.

Mendix Version:- 9.24.0

Installation [optional]

Mendix Version:- 9.24.0

Configuration [optional]

Firstly, We need to generate incoming webhook link from teams channel and then use in the TeamWebhookConfiguration page .

These is the following step to generate link on teams channel:-

  • open team channel first ,go to connector and select incoming webhook and configure it and generate link.

We need to attach configuration page in the navigation and pass the webhook incoming url as a input.

After that we need to attach section page and pass value in the text box , according to our requirement , after done all this thing we need click on save and send the REST API call to the team channel,

Then the result will reflect in the form of message cart on the team channel.

Known bugs [optional]

[Describe the known bugs]

Frequently Asked Questions [optional]

  • Q:
  • A:




Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: Initial Release Note