Input With Icon

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


The Input with Icon UI Pattern includes an icon that supports the user when entering data. Is assists the user's comprehension by providing an example of the type of input required.



The Input with Icon UI Pattern includes an icon that supports the user when entering data. Is assists the user's comprehension by providing an example of the type of input required.

Features and limitations

  • Select a Icon and label    
  • Dynamically set Icon and label
  • Able to edit Icon and Label


  • Mendix 9.24.2 or higher


  1. Download it from the marketplace in your application.
  2. Drag it from tools and drop inside data view
  3. Right click on widget open properties then select Label and Icon.




Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.2
Release Notes: Initial