Form Builder

Content Type: Module


The Form Builder is a Module which can be used to create forms by importing the Module. The module has dependencies on DeepLink if you want to implement the deeplink feature of Form Builder. Using the Form Builder we can create forms easily and share the form to the user so that the user can fill the form and submit it.



The Form Builder module helps in creating forms easily and fastly. You can just import the module and implement the form builder into your project.

Form Builder has different form fields like radio, checkbox, textbox etc. implemented in it, which are typically used in a Form. You can create the form structure that you want with these form fields. The Security of the Component is Implemented.

Typical usage scenario

Can be used to implement forms in any project. The Forms can be created swiftly and shared to the user to fill the form and get the data.

Features and limitations

The Form Builder can create forms based on pre defined forms fiels like checkbox, dropdown, radio button, textbox, file etc. which are Typically used in creation of a Form.


  • MxModelReflection
  • CommunityCommons
  • DeepLink


  1. You need to set the home page where user will be forwarded in the deeplink if the form is alreadyfilled by that user.
  2. you need to configure DL_OpenForm in the deeplink navigation menu to use the deepLink.
  3. If you want to allow anonymous users to fill the form then go to deeplink in the navigation manu and configure it in the advanced section of DeepLink.



Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.2
Release Notes: 25th July 2023