Advanced Analog Clock

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


This widget helps you show time from any region, either statically or dynamically, and the result will reflect inside analog clock so it will look like wall clock



This widget helps you show time from any region, either statically or dynamically, and the result will reflect inside analog clock so it will be look like wall clock

Typical usage scenario

You must put the Name of the city in this format: Continent_Name/city_name Ex: America/New_York

you can use this link: from TZ identifiers column you can find time zone for all cities in the world

By default, no flag will appear, but if you put a country name, a flag will appear below the clock, and you have the choice to put it inside the clock.

Features and limitations


1- You can put Continent_Name/city_name as static data if you use that to show time in some specific country. That can be used for banks systems.

2- You can put Continent_Name/city_name from database just make sure you put the widget inside dataView after that create microflow which return the value for each user

3- You can put country flag by writing the country name

4- You can show AM/PM inside the clock

5- You can change colors of clock and the hands as you need ( use country flag colors

6- Customize the size of clock and the border radius that make the clock circle or square


Make sure the data you send to the widget is like this: Continent_Name/city_name

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where you can use this widget?

A: Many scenarios you can use it for examples of bank system, hospitals and government departments

Q: if you want the source code where you can found

A: you can visit GitHub link :

for more new ideas follow up in LinkdIn


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.2.0
Release Notes: nothing