Chat Module

Content Type: Service
Categories: Communication


In This module we have implemented a user story based on our daily chat experience on WhatsApp web and teams web using mendix.



In This module we have implemented a user story based on our daily chat experience on WhatsApp web and teams web using mendix.

Typical usage scenario

We may use this component in following ways:    

  • For implementation of communication between 2 parties.
  •   Document upload and image upload feature has been implemented and can be used directly in any application.

Features and limitations

1)  Features: We created this web version of Chat

module in which we implemented various functionalities such as:

  •  Sending and receiving messages live chat
  • Sharing file documents and images
  • Profile Update
  •  Profile image change

2)     Limitations:

  •   Not compatible for natives Apps
  •   No group chat currently
  •  no push notifications.


  • Required version-9.1.1 or above
  • dependencies: Administrator module


  • Create “many to one” association between Account and Profile entity. (many Account to one Profile)
  • Add “Chat_Web” page from “USE_ME” folder to navigation.
  • Check if any error related to layout , resolve them as per mendix version you are using.



Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.1.1
Release Notes: Initial release