
Content Type: Module
Categories: Import/Export


TripAdvisor is a popular online travel platform that offers a wide range of information and services for travellers. It serves as a comprehensive resource for planning and booking trips, providing access to reviews, recommendations, and booking options for hotels, flights, vacation rentals, restaurants, and various other travel-related activities. 

The TripAdvisor module integrated into a Mendix application would allow users to search locations based on search query and given Latitude/Longitude nearby locations on different categories like hotels, attractions, restaurants, geos. 

This module enables users to find Location details, Location images and Reviews with rating based on the Location selected from the search query. 



This module integrated into Mendix application enables users to find Location details, Location images and Reviews with rating based on the Location selected from the search query and also users can directions for the location from the current location.

Typical usage scenario

Provide users with a trip planner based on the search query and nearby locations by wide range of details and reviews with rating. 

Features and limitations

1.Search Location: Search locations based on the search query input. 

2.NearbySearch: Search nearby locations to the given latitude, Longitude co-ordinates. 

3.Location Details: Get selected location details. 

4.Location Images: Get selected location images. 

5.Location Reviews: Get selected location reviews with ratings. 


1.Mendix modeler version 9.16.0 or higher. 

2.Nanoflow commons.



1.Download the Nanoflow commons module from the marketplace if you haven’t already. 

2.Connect module roles to the app security user roles. 


1.Register account for the TripAdvisor developer Content API portal.

2.Generate API key with API key restriction with domain name (eg: , able to change any time).

3.Configure the constant

A) Apikey with your generated key.

B)DomainName with API Key restriction Domain name.

4.Configure Navigation by adding new item with create object Location and show page Location_New.

5. Generate Google maps api key to get directions form your current location to the search location.




Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.16.0
Release Notes: 1.0.0