
Content Type: Module


Database retrieve by xpath string

This module brings the following:

Improved performance due to smart back-end paging and java xpath retrieve.

Configure complex retrieves and customize filters.

Configure your own overview page super-fast with default filtering and sorting snippets.

Possibility to customize and style everything to your own needs.

How to use by example overview account:

1. Configure the applicable application user roles with Xpath user role 'User'

2. Create an overview call microflow (ACT_Overview_ShowAccount) Initialize the overview entity structure, set the base xpath, filter posibilities and sorting.

3. Create the overview page (Overview_Account) with the default paging and filtering snippets, customize your own data and sorting, it is optional to use the default sorting in 'SN_Overview_XPathSort' only this sorting header has a evenly divided column size.

4. Create the customized retrieve microflow (DS_Overview_GetAccount). It is important to apply entity access here to avoid unauthorized access.

To test the account example simple include all microflows in the example folder and call microflow 'ACT_Overview_ShowAccount' from your navigation

Keep in mind when you are configuring and testing your own overview, that you need to refresh your session to see changes to filters and sorting. Or by setting the value of 'IsNew' of entity 'Overview'to true



Database retrieve by xpath string

This module brings the following:

Improved performance due to smart back-end paging and java xpath retrieve.

Configure complex retrieves and customize filters.

Configure your own overview page super-fast with default filtering and sorting snippets.

Possibility to customize and style everything to your own needs.

Typical usage scenario

[Describe typical usage scenario(s)]

Features and limitations

Dependencies [optional]

  • [Mendix modeler version]
  • [Other dependencies: E.g. modules, jars, images, styles etc.][

Installation [optional]

[Describe the necessary steps to install the content]

Configuration [optional]

1. Configure the applicable application user roles with Xpath user role 'User'

2. Create an overview call microflow (ACT_Overview_ShowAccount) Initialize the overview entity structure, set the base xpath, filter posibilities and sorting.

3. Create the overview page (Overview_Account) with the default paging and filtering snippets, customize your own data and sorting, it is optional to use the default sorting in 'SN_Overview_XPathSort' only this sorting header has a evenly divided column size.

4. Create the customized retrieve microflow (DS_Overview_GetAccount). It is important to apply entity access here to avoid unauthorized access.

To test the account example simple include all microflows in the example folder and call microflow 'ACT_Overview_ShowAccount' from your navigation

Keep in mind when you are configuring and testing your own overview, that you need to refresh your session to see changes to filters and sorting. Or by setting the value of 'IsNew' of entity 'Overview'to true

Known bugs [optional]

[Describe the known bugs]

Frequently Asked Questions [optional]

  • Q:
  • A:




Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.6.0
Release Notes: Initial release