Weekday Counter

Content Type: Module


Counting and Listing of Days

This module is ideal for applications that require tracking and analyzing the frequency of certain weekdays within a given date range.


Mendix Studio Pro - 9.18.0 and above

Mendix Studio - 9.18.0 and above


The "WeekdayCounter" module is a powerful integration of Java code with Mendix, designed to calculate the number of occurrences of a specific day (e.g., Mon, Tue, Wed) between two selected dates. This module is ideal for applications that require tracking and analyzing the frequency of certain weekdays within a given date range.

The module incorporates a Java Action that takes three parameters: Start Date, End Date, and Day. The Start Date and End Date parameters are expected to be in Date Time format, representing the beginning and end of the desired date range. The Day parameter is a three-letter string representing the target day (e.g., Mon, Tue, Wed). It is essential to provide the first three letters of the day for a valid output.

Upon execution, the "Countdates" Java Action performs the core logic to calculate the number of occurrences of the specified day within the date range. The result is returned as an Integer, providing a comprehensive count of the selected day's appearances and the "ListOfDates" Java Action performs the core logic to list the occurrences of the specified day within the date range. The result is returned as string with dates in (;) separated pattern.

Typical usage scenario

Workforce Planning: A human resources department wants to optimize staff scheduling by analyzing the number of Mondays occurring between two selected dates. They use the WeekdayCounter module to calculate the count of Mondays, allowing them to make informed decisions on staffing levels and shift arrangements.

Features and limitations

Accurate Day Count: The module provides an accurate count of the number of occurrences of a specific day (e.g., Mon, Tue, Wed) between two selected dates. This allows for precise tracking and analysis of weekday patterns.

Seamless Integration: The module seamlessly integrates Java code with Mendix, ensuring smooth functionality and ease of use within the Mendix application development environment

Dependencies [optional]

  • [Version 9.18.0]

Installation [optional]

[Describe the necessary steps to install the content]

Configuration [optional]

[Describe the necessary steps to configure the content]

Known bugs [optional]

[Describe the known bugs]

Frequently Asked Questions [optional]

  • Q:
  • A:




Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.0
Release Notes: Initial Release Note.