HubSpot Connector

Content Type: Module


This module can allow you to integrate different HubSpot features with the Mendix application, and this allow you to create and manage the various CRM and CMS objects in HubSpot.


HubSpot Connector:


1.Goto to create a HubSpot developer account.

2.After creating the HubSpot account create a private app to get the access token.

3.Select the required scopes for the access token and commit the changes.

4.Create a configuration entity with the attribute access token and create a page to save the access token.

5.Add this page in the navigation and run the application, Open the configuration page and save the access token.

6.Add the following pages HubSpotAccountOwnerOverview, ContactsOverview,CompaniesOverview,DealsOverview,LineitemsOverview,ProductsOverview,QuotesOverview,TaskOverview,TicketsOverview,WebsitePages_Overview,LandigPages_Overview, EmailLogs,HubDB_Overview,NotesOverview in your application navigation.

8.Run the application and now you can be able to test the following HubSpot features.

Features and limitations

HubSpot Account Owner: You can get the HubSpot owner details.

Contacts: Create a contact, delete a contact, add company to contact, get all the contact details, create a call to contact, create a note to contact, Send SMS to contact, Send WhatsApp message to contact, Send Mail to contact, Send Postal Mail to contact.

Company: Create a company, get all the company details, delete a company, add note to a company, create a call to company, add contact to a company, update the company domain name.

Deals: Create a deal, get all the deal details, delete a deal. update deal status.

Line Items: Create a Line item, get all the line items details, delete a line item.

Products: Create a product, get all the product details, delete a product.

Quotes: Create a quote, get all the quote details, add deal to a quote, add company and contact to a quote, add line item to a quote, delete a quote.

Tasks: Create a task, get all the task details, delete a task, update task status.

Tickets: Create ticket, get all the ticket details, delete a ticket.

Website pages: Create a simple website page, get all the website page details.

Landing Pages: Create a simple landing page, get all the landing page details.

Hub DB: Create a Hub DB table, get all the Hub DB tables Information, delete a Hub DB table, add columns to a table.

Notes: You can see the list of notes.

Communications: You can get the list of email logs, you can get the list of postal mails, you can get the list of calls information, delete a call activity, you can get the list of meeting information, delete a meeting activity.


Mendix Modeler 9.20.0 and above.


Download the module from marketplace.


Administrator: Add module roles administrator and assign project module.

User: Add module role User and assign from project module.




Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.20.0
Release Notes: v 1.0.0