Hide Excel Sheet

Content Type: Module
Categories: Import/Export


We often have to download files in excel format,

sometimes the excel file we download or the template we use to download the

file in excel format has some worksheets attached to it. In some cases

according to the business requirement the file which has to be downloaded

doesn’t want the other worksheets to be attached to it in the same excel file.

Now, in order to tackle this issue I have created a component HideExcelSheets

which will help you to hide the other worksheets easily.



We often have to download files in excel format,

sometimes the excel file we download or the template we use to download the

file in excel format has some worksheets attached to it. In some cases

according to the business requirement the file which has to be downloaded

doesn’t want the other worksheets to be attached to it in the same excel file.

Now, in order to tackle this issue I have created a component HideExcelSheets

which will help you to hide the other worksheets easily.

Typical usage scenario

This component is used

to hide excel sheets from a excel file. For example, suppose there is a list of

data and you want the download that data in a excel file and that excel file

converts the data into a graph, either pie graph, bar graph or any other graph

format by applying a template. And suppose you have created  5 worksheets in that template. Now if you

don’t want to download 2nd and 3rd worksheets but you

want the 1st , 4th and 5th worksheets, you

won’t be able to do that easily. Now in order to tackle this problem we can use

this component.

Features and limitations

This component will

help in downloading excel file according to your choice of  worksheets. With the help of this component

you  will save a lot of time which was

wasted in doing this from scratch. This can be used in a single template

without modifying the template.

Dependencies [Compulsory]

  • 9.12.4 Mendix Pro
  • Mx Model Reflection (from marketplace)
  • Excel Exporter(from marketplace)

Installation [Compulsory]

1.       Prerequire Module (Compulsory)

a.       Mx Model Reflection(Download from marketplace)

b.       Excel Exporter(Download from marketplace)

c.      Hide ExcelSheet (this module*)

Configuration [Compulsory]

1.       Associate many to one relationship with Product (your entity) and Product_Doc Entity.

2.       In a page pass a dataView of Product_Doc entity.

3.       Inside this put a dataGrid of Product entity (yourentity name).

4.       Inside datagrid put a button and call a microflow similar to SUB_CreateExcelExport microflow from Example/Documents/Microflow.

5.       At the end of SUB_CreateExcelExport microflow put the HideSheet_Overview page  from Example/Documents/OverviewPages in which a snippet named SNIP_HidesheetExportExcel is used to call the ACT_Export_To_Excel microflow.

6.       Now you can successfully hide the sheets.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: Initial