IndiuMX Decimal Textbox

Content Type: Widget
Categories: Utility


The IndiuMX Decimal Textbox specifically supported for decimal entries. It supports Regular Expression , customizable decimal entries, supported events for On blur and On Change.


The Functionality of the IndiuMX Decimal textbox can be implemented as follows:

  • The input attribute provides the input to the widget also whenever there is a change in the value, it will be set to this attribute.
  • On change action and On Blur action which will be triggered when there is a change in the value and when the text box is focused out respectively.
  • Placeholder will provide the place holder for the widget.
  • Regular expression will be applied to the text box. It is not a mandatory field.
  • No. of decimals will determine on how many input fields needs to be displayed in the decimal part.
  • Maximum length will determine on how many input fields needs to be allowed before decimal.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.0.5
Release Notes: This release contains indiumx decimal text box