User Excel Management

Content Type: Module


This module is for managing user data efficiently. It is enabled with streamline user creation with random password, user updates and user deletion and it is integrated with excel import export where it is possible to manage user data in bulk using excel file. 



Please see in the Mendix documentation for details.



This module is for managing user data efficiently. It is enabled with streamline user creation with random password, user updates and user deletion and it is integrated with excel import export where it is possible to manage user data in bulk using excel file.

Typical usage scenario

When there is need to import and export user data from excel in large amount or need to update or delete large amount of user data then it is reliable to use.

Features and limitations


  • Create User with random password.
  • Update user.
  • Delete User.
  • Users export to excel file.
  • Downloads excel template.
  • Create, Update, delete users in bulk by excel import.


  • Operations can only be applied on FullName, Email, Role, Active, Name, Password attributes of System.User and Administration.Account entity.
  • It takes user’s Name value from email by removing email’s @ sign and domain name.
  • Developers cannot add other attributes to it.
  • Deletion of current user (who is doing excel import) is not possible only change is possible during import.

Dependencies [optional]

  • Mendix Studio Pro 9.240.
  • MxReflection 
  • Excel Importer  
  • Excel Exporter  
  • Community Commons

Installation [optional]

Setting up User Excel Management module in your application

  1. Download and install all prerequisite modules in your application.
  2. Create a page User_Overview and add the snippet SNIP_UserOverview inside it from inside UserExcelManagement module >USE_ME.
  3. Add the following pages to the navigation: MxModelReflection.MxObjects_Overview, XLSReport.Excel_Document_Overview.
  4. Create menu items for the ExcelImportOverview and the MxObjects_Overview pages in navigation (these pages already exist in the USE_ME folders of the downloaded modules ExcelImporter).
  5. Run the App.
  6. Go to mx reflection from navigation.
  7. Synchronize following modules: Administration, ExcelImporter, MxModelReflection, System, UserExcelManagement, XLSReport.
  8. Setup template for export to excel.
  9. Run your app.
  10. Click Excel Exporter to open the exporter overview page.
  11. Click button new to create a new template. Set the filename as UserExport, Document Type as Excel 2007 and higher and select Input Object as UserExcelManagement.Product_excel then save and next.
  12. Select dd-mm-yyyy format for date time export format and select excel file template ( set columns Name, Email, Role, Active[true, false], Delete[yes, no] ) in upload existing excel file.
  13. Under worksheets section click on new button and Set the following properties : Name: User, Row Object: UserExcelManagement.User, Reference to template input object: UserExcelManagement.User_product_excel, Sheet input object: UserManagement.Product_excel, Start retrieved data at row: 1.
  14. Add the columns by clicking new button inside column data and save it.
  15. Now Setup template for Excel Import
  16. Go to excel import page from navigation and Click on new template and fill the following: Name: User_Import, Mendix Object: UserExcelManagement.ExcelUser,Sheet number: 1, Header row number: 1, Import action: synchronize objects, Import from row number: 2.
  17. Now connect columns to attribute by clicking new button inside column section.
  18. Add the User_Overview page to navigation and run the app.
  19. View the app and go to User_Overview page, now it is ready to do excel import export and crud operations on users.

Configuration [optional]

[Describe the necessary steps to configure the content]

Known bugs [optional]

[Describe the known bugs]

Frequently Asked Questions [optional]

  • Q:
  • A:




Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: initial
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: initial