Policysense Sales

Content Type: Solution
Categories: Utility,Data,Communication


Policysense Sales is an advanced sales solution for insurers that combines traditional techniques with state-of-the-art digital capabilities. It offers the option to sell directly to the consumer or to improve the efficiency of your traditional channels through digital capabilities, or it can even be used to implement a combined strategy. In the same way, you can sell through third-party platforms that consume your APls layer.

The solution can be used to sell both individual and group policies, for general, life and health insurance products. Manages the entire sales process, including requests, quotes, delivery of requirements, and the issuance of the policy at the end of the process. It can be used for opportunity and prospect management.


Flexibly configure and manage with accelerated time-to-market the entire sales cycle on an omnichannel platform specialized in insurance. Drive innovative products, campaigns, and new business.


Demo urlhttps://www.policysense.com/




Please see in the Mendix documentation for details.







Policysense Sales is an advanced sales solution for insurers that combines traditional techniques with state-of-the-art digital capabilities. It offers the option to sell directly to the consumer or to improve the efficiency of your traditional channels through digital capabilities, or it can even be used to implement a combined strategy. In the same way, you can sell through third-party platforms that consume your APls layer.

The solution can be used to sell both individual and group policies, for general, life and health insurance products. Manages the entire sales process, including requests, quotes, delivery of requirements, and the issuance of the policy at the end of the process. It can be used for opportunity and prospect management.



Typical usage scenario

Insurers seeking growth

• Exploit new ecosystems in digital form

• Targeted sales campaigns with high return

• Assignment and follow-up of leads

• Allows the customer to communicate according to their preferred channel

• Loyalty and rewards programs


Insurers seeking to reduce costs

• Lead management

• Faster closures

• Cross-sell and upsell

• Automates payment of remuneration

• Agents have more time to improve customer service

• Operational savings that translate into greater competitiveness in the market


Insurance carriers seeking mitigate risks

• Allows preventive actions to retain and acquire customers

• Complete view of the relationship between the client and the insurer

• Proactively manage channel network and complexities





  • Entire Digital Sales Process Support
  • Premium Calculation
  • Sales Trough APIs
  • Illustration (only for Life Insurance)
  • Underwriting
  • Opportunity Management
  • Opportunity Scoring
  • Campaigns
  • Communications by any means
  • Support for Life, P&C and Health Products




Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: null
Release Notes: Initial Release