Data Protection Compliance

Content Type: Module



  • This module can be used to make Mendix Applications Compliant with Data Protection Acts and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
  • Irrelevant Personal Identifiable information of Application Users’ can be scheduled to anonymization and will be replaced with random string variables on scheduled date.
  • Required Data Protection Compliance Disclaimers can be created, updated, and managed. Also, can be made accessible to Application Users.
  • Required Data Protection Compliance or Policy documents can be created, updated, and managed. Also, can be made accessible to Application Users.


  • Add Microflow “ASU_Create_DPC_Configuration” to After Start-Up microflow in app settings.
  • Create a new page of your choice and add Snippet “Snip_DPC_Overview” to it. This page is used to manage all configurations and resources related to this module.
  • Add Microflow “ACT_UserAccount_SetToAnonymization” in Account Overview Page. Identify the Users whose Personal Information or account is no longer required (E.g., Users who has left the company). Select the Account and click on the button calling above microflow. This user will get scheduled for anonymization based on DPC Configuration.
  • All Privacy or Data Protection Disclaimers can be created and managed from “DPC_Overview” page.
  • All Data Protection Compliance or Policy Documents can be uploaded and managed from “DPC_Overview” page.



This module can be used to anonymize Application Users whose Personal Information is no longer required in Mendix Application. Also, we can manage the various GDPR Policy Statements and Documents.

Typical usage scenario

All Mendix Applications.

Features and limitations

  • This module can be used to make Mendix Applications Compliant with Data Protection regulations and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
  • Non-Relevant Personal Identifiable information of Application Users’ can be scheduled to anonymization and will be replaced with random string variables on scheduled date.
  • Required Data Protection Compliance Disclaimers can be created, updated, and managed. Also, can be made accessible to Application Users.
  • Required Data Protection Compliance or Policy documents can be created, updated, and managed. Also, can be made accessible to Application Users.


  • Studio Pro Version 9.1.1 or higher


  • Add Microflow “ASU_Create_DPC_Configuration” to After Start-Up microflow in app settings.
  • Create a new page of your choice and add Snippet “Snip_DPC_Overview” to it. This page is used to manage all configurations and resources related to this module.
  • Add Microflow “ACT_UserAccount_SetToAnonymization” in Account Overview Page. Identify the Users whose Personal Information or account is no more required (E.g., Users who has left the company). Select the Account and click on button calling above microflow. This user will get scheduled for anonymization based on DPC Configuration.
  • All Privacy or Data Protection Disclaimers can be created and managed from “DPC_Overview” page.
  • All Data Protection Compliance or Policy Documents can be uploaded and managed from “DPC_Overview” page.
  • If User Accessed application after identification date, such user has to be anonymized manually.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.1.1
Release Notes: Make your Mendix Applications Compliant with General Data Protection Regulations by managing Personal Information of Users. Also, manage all the Policy Statements and Documents with this Module.