Polygon Map

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface,Visualization,Data


A Google Maps based widget for displaying and interacting with polygons. Its primary purpose is being able to click on polygons to help with (de)selecting area's on a map in a visual way.


Demo urlhttps://regionselector-sandbox.mxapps.io/


A Google Maps based widget for displaying and interacting with polygons. Its primary purpose is being able to click on polygons to help with (de)selecting area's.


  • Load polygons on a map, including refreshes of the datasource
  • Optionally with labels
  • Set the look and feel of everything, including the polygons and labels
  • OnClick action for the polygons
  • Option to only reload the data of the last clicked polygon.


  1. Add a Google Maps API key to the APIKey field.
  2. Add a Datasource for the polygons. The required format is as follows: [[lat1,long1],[lat2,long2],[lat3,long3],[..]]


  • Add labels for each polygon and any other style props like colors and weights.
  • Add an onclick activity for the polygons, you could change the color of the polygon when clicking and then refreshing.
  • Determine if you want a full reload or not before refreshing, if you only wish to update the last clicked polygon simply set it to false. If you wish to update any other data in the mapview that was not the last clicked polygon on the map you should set it to true. Note that you can swap this boolean at any time. That way you could set it to true when you are updating the polygon data outside of the onclick action and set it to false when you are changing the data inside the onclick action

Useful tips

When loading polygon data it is recommended to shrink the geodata so that the widget loads quick. You can use the following online tool to shrink your data and potentionally massively improve the speed: https://mapshaper.org/

Simply upload a geojson file, click import and then use the simplify feature (top right corner) to shrink the data, in most cases setting it to 1% is perfect for maintaining the shape with the least amount of data.

In most optional fields you can use the $currentObject property if you wish to for example set a different fill color per polygon

I also made a full module using this widget which you can use, it also provides an example of how it can be used. See here: Region Selector

Future ideas

  • Add support for multi-line polygons and holes.
  • Add support for dragging and creating new polygons.
  • Add infowindow support to show custom container when clicking on a polygon.

Issues, suggestions and feature requests



Version: 1.2.1
Framework Version: 9.24.1
Release Notes: Bugfix default value for stroke and fill colors
Version: 1.2.0
Framework Version: 9.24.1
Release Notes: - Updated optional polygon attributes to expressions to allow for less data load - Added pan and tilt options - Added option to load a high resolution imagery overlay (Netherlands only)
Version: 1.1.1
Framework Version: 9.24.1
Release Notes: Moved settings around, added tilt and panning settings
Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 9.24.1
Release Notes: Updated library and added overwrite initial zoom setting
Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 9.18.4
Release Notes: Bugfix onclick Mendix 10
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.4
Release Notes: Initial Release