Mx Feedback Receiver

Content Type: Module


Receive the feedback input a user submits via the normal Mendix Feedback widget inside your own Mendix app instead of the Sprintr.

This can for example be used to collect all the feedback from multiple apps in 1 place and then send it to your own preferred feedback/stories tool like Jira or Trello.



This module can be used to receive the feedback the user submits via the normal Mendix Feedback widget inside a Mendix app instead of the Sprintr.


  • Receive the input from the Mx Feedback widget inside your own app
  • Download the images
  • Works with old and newer feedback widgets.


  • Community Commons Module


  • Set the correct security settings for the module
  • Add SNIP_FeedbackOverview to a page
  • Change the following Mx feedback widget fields in the Advanced tab (usually found in the layout):
  • -> App ID change to: "feedbackreceiver"
  • -> Feedback server location change to: http://localhost:8080/ to test it locally or your actual environment location (e.g. where you wish to receive the feedback. Make sure to end with a slash at the end of the url.

Issues, suggestions and feature requests


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.3
Release Notes: Initial release