Email Config+

Content Type: Service
Categories: Communication


This extension module provides the developer and administrator with an enhanced configuration capabilities to the Email Connector module including an automatic initialization procedure of email template built applied in design-time, and exporting/importing configuration data (i.e. EmailAccount, OAuthProvider, EmailTemplate) available at running-time.



This extension module provides the developer and administrator with an enhanced configuration capabilities to the Email Connector module including an automatic initialization procedure of email template built applied in design-time, and exporting/importing configuration data (i.e. EmailAccount, OAuthProvider, EmailTemplate) available at running-time.

Typical usage scenario

So you decided to use the Email Connector marketplace module to send/receive email in your application. You have already built your configuration objects such as EmailAccount, OAuthProvider and EmailTemplate. They all fly as you designed, so you are almost ready. Just almost, but not completely enough. After you have published the application to an environment, you just realized that all your configuration data is missing, even your EmailTemplate objects which should not be a subject of your application administrators. Therefore, you should rebuild them, in each environment (and local development), or you have to figure out an initialization procedure handling this automatically.

Guess what: you are lucky! The Email Config+ performs this instead of you. Check how!

Features and limitations

  • Export and import configuration data of email accounts, OAuth providers and email templates. (The EmailTemplate XML can contain multiple template objects.)
  • Start-up initialization mechanism creating and updating EmailTemplate objects by exported XML files. This keeps your EmailTemplate objects up-to-date according to the most recent implementation (exported to XML).


This module is compatible with the Mendix v9.24.0.

Required external modules:


  1. Import the EmailConfig+ module from the Mendix MarketPlace.
  2. Integrate the SNIP_Overview snippet to the application UI and publish it under the setting/configuration menu.
  3. Check/Set the source folder of configuration files (see ConfigPath constant)
  4. Assign module roles MR_AppTechAdmin and MR_AppDeveloper.


A) To build EmailTemplate initialization procedure (for each EmailTemplate):

  1. Run the application with a MR_AppDeveloper user.
  2. Switch to the SNIP_Overview and export the required templates (1 or more) to the XML file under the configuration folder with the file name satisfying the required syntax.
  3. Inject the invocation of SUB_InitEmailTemplateConfig MF into the ‘After Start-Up’ flow of your application. If you do not have such microflow yet, build it. The ConfigName param shall apply the value that you used for naming the XML.

B) To migrate EmailAccount and/or OAuthProvider configuration data between two different environments:

  1. Run the application with a MR_AppTechAdmin user.
  2. At source environment: switch to the SNIP_Overview and export the required configuration data to the XML files.
  3. At source environment: switch to the SNIP_Overview and import the desired configuration data from the XML files.


  • The EmailTemplate XML files used in initialization shall follow a naming convention:
  • Syntax: EmailTemplateConfig_<ConfigName>.xml
  • <ConfigName>: is the param value to be referred to in the ASU_InitEmailTemplateConfig flow.
  • The EmailTemplate XML file can contain 1 or multiple template object data.
  • All 3 exportable configuration data have their own XSD, that you find under the EmailConfig+ folder in the Resources. Do not bother with the MR_Developer module role. (It is for the developer of this module.)


Relevant environment constant of the module:

  • ConfigPath: the source folder of all EmailTemplate XML files imported by the email template initialization procedures.

Known bugs/issue

Please use the ‘User reviews’ channel of this module at the Mendix Marketplace to report any issue you experience. Thanks!


Version: 2.0.2
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: - Fix: incomplete token data in exported EmailTemplate XML. - Enhanced error messages at exporting EmailConfig, EmailTemplate, and OAuthProvider to XML.
Version: 2.0.1
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: Fix: - wrong mapping of EmailTemplate due to 'encyrpted - wrong layout for EmailTemplate_Select.
Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: Change: - upgraded dependency of Email Connector from v4.1.0 to v5.1.0 - extended EmailTemplate XML to contain multiple template objects. Fixed: - failed deleting OAuthProvider on SNIP_Overview - failed importing OAuthProvider on SNIP_Overview
Version: 1.1.2
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: Fix: - Importing EmailTemplate on SNIP_Overview snippet invokes the file selection dialog of EmailAccount.
Version: 1.1.1
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: Fixed: - Useless SNIP_Overview because of an missing access to some OAuthProvider attributes at the Email Connector module. (Removed unnecessary UI fields referring to these attributes.) - Failed exporting Email Template without ReplyTo value (XSD was modified to accept missing ReplyTo element.) - Failed exporting Email Template having placeholder elements (XSD was modified to accept missing FindMember element.)
Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: - Change: Comparing the recent and new configuration files by the complete file content. - Fix: error on deleting EmailConfig object in case of EmailConfig or AuthProvider
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: First release.